04 - Love Is In The Air

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~The best feeling is to love and be loved~

Weary, Amaya sits on her bed ignorant of the next step to take. Her eyes fall on the blue dress Kelly made for her drawing her mind back to Jason.

'Can he assist me?' she thinks to herself, 'Calling him when I require his help may portray me as a leech. But my father's health is concerned.'

After a series of back-and-forth movements, Amaya picked up his calling card and rushed to the nearest phone booth.

Holding the phone nervously to her ear, Amaya dials the number.
'Hello' Jason speaks answering the call 'May I ask who is on the line?'

'It is Amaya speaking, from Ashton'
'Here I was thinking you weren't going to give me a call'
'Forgive me for taking this long to reach you, I also apologize for calling at a time  like this'
'How do you mean?'
'I need your assistance'.

Amaya tells him everything and Jason promises to support them. He arrives in Ashton a couple of days later to speak with Mr. Stan's doctor.

However, Amaya and her parents insist they pay him back, to that effect, they conclude. Amaya will work in Graham Realty and a certain percentage will be taken out of her salary until they pay back what they all owe Jason.

Arrangements were made to admit Mr. Stan into a hospital in Grey's Ville and his operation was scheduled.

On the day of his surgery, Amaya paced in the waiting area in panic.
'Calm yourself, your father is in good hands' Jason tries reassuring her, taking her hands in his 'The surgeons are specialists you do not need to fear'.

'Thank you for your support Jason'. There was no response from Jason, rather he smiled gazing tenderly into her eyes.

Hours later, the surgeons left the theatre with good news, the operation was successful. Amaya returned to the apartment building she rented in the meantime.

Several days later Mr. Stan wakes up but in the aftermath of the surgery his speech is impaired. He merely babbles when he attempts to speak and uses gestures to tell.
After his subsequent vocal therapies, he was capable of talking appropriately. Mr. Stan returns to Ashton with a grateful heart.

Amaya commences her work at Graham Realty immediately.
That morning, Amaya wore her formal dress packing her hair into a ponytail to expose her gleaming face.

Once she entered the building she saw Jason at the reception talking with a chubby lady. Jason notices Amaya and gestures for her to come closer.

'You look good' flattering her, 'Amaya this is Gabby, my assistant. Gabby please bring Miss Amaya to Mrs. Kelsey. I will be back in the office by noon ' saying that he walks out.

Gabby leads Amaya to the third floor of the building where they meet a pudgy lady in the walkway drinking a cup of coffee.
'Kelsey' Gabby calls out to her,
'What!' Kelsey responds lousily tossing the coffee cup in the trash can.

Gabby shoots her a stern look compelling her to compose herself.
'Excuse my behaviour, I didn't get a good night's rest'
'This is Miss Amaya, the boss is leaving her under your supervision'

'Miss Amaya I am Mrs. Kelsey the head of the sales unit. Sir Jason informed me of your arrival, allow me to show you around' she leads Amaya to her seat.

Being one who easily adapts, Amaya adjusted quickly to her new life. It was a fresh start. New companions, environment, and a new love. Working in his company meant she saw Jason more.

One evening, Jason was heading home when he heard a sneeze coming from one of the offices. He moved closer simply to find Amaya.

'It's past closing hours, may I know why you are still here?'
'I have something to sort out '
'Okay, allow me to drop you off'
'No, don't trouble yourself you were leaving, weren't you?'
'I will wait' he insists sitting down opposite her.

On their way back, they stopped to have dinner together, however, Amaya felt uncomfortable at the restaurant.

For one, she seemed underdressed compared to the other customers in their designer clothing. To worsen things, the menu appeared strange, leaving her clueless about what to eat.

Jason notices her and makes the order on her behalf to go. That night Amaya slept with Jason on her mind.

No matter how tight his schedule got he would make a way to see Amaya. The more time they spent together the deeper their love grew. Months got on like this, and soon the rumour of their fondness spread around the company.

Amaya stood at the rooftop of her apartment building, the city lights twinkling below like stars. She watched as Jason her love approached, his eyes filled with admiration and warmth.

As he reached her side he gently caressed her cheek. Jason took a step closer gazing into her eyes. At that moment time seemed to stand still, there was no past, no future, only the intensity of their love.

They wrap their arms around each other, pulling closer, unwilling to let go. Amaya and Jason knew they had found something special.

Finally pulling away, their eyes locked reflecting a profound love.

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