07 - Silver Lining

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~ Watch out for the rainbow at the end of the storm ~

Kelly had to proceed in life, now more determined than ever to make her dream a sight to behold.

Because of her criminal record, the pageant house banned her from participating for two years but that didn't hold her back.

While she waited for her ban to be lifted, she worked her tail off. From dietary to get into shape, to learning from previous crowned winners.

The second her prohibition was over, Kelly made haste to enter, preparing alongside other contestants.

Finally, the moment of truth had arrived. Kelly stood on stage with other participants smiling from ear to ear in their elegant dresses.

Kelly's heart swelled with a mix of excitement and trepidation as she awaited the judges to call out the winner.
'If I don't win it's fine, I will contest again' she said endeavouring to soothe herself.

'The winner for this year's Miss Ivory goes to...' her heart racing faster 'Kelly O'Neil!!'.
Just like she had imagined, the fans in the audience started chanting,
'Kelly! Kelly!'

Kelly feels a warm glow through her being. She pinched herself hard to confirm if she was dreaming again, however, she wasn't.

The gracious crown was positioned on her head and she fell to the ground in disbelief.

The evening continues with a whirlwind of laughter and toasts at her celebratory bash. Reporters swarm around her flooding Kelly with numerous questions.

As with other pageantries, her victory was all over the news.

Amaya was in the office one morning when she overheard two employees chattering.

'This year's queen is a real beauty' one said looking at the newspaper in her hands
'I agree' the other replied
'From what this article says, she was banned from the pageantry for a couple of years since she was in prison'
'She is a go-getter, without a doubt'.

Amaya moves closer politely taking the newspaper to see who it was. Her knees wobbled struck by a pang of emotions.
'Madam, do you know her?' one of them inquired.

Before Amaya could reply she collapses and is rushed to a nearby hospital. Moments later she wakes up to see Jason beside her.

'My love' she speaks out
'You're awake now, you fainted earlier at the office'
'I felt light-headed suddenly'.

The doctor walks in with the test results,
'Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Graham, you're having a baby'. They turn to each other both surprised and delighted.

'Hello baby' Jason kisses her belly
'It can't hear you yet'
'Does it matter? You're going to be a mummy'
'And you a daddy'.

'And, I am positive you both will make wonderful parents' the doctor commented.

Amaya ate properly and went for her regular checkups to guarantee the baby was healthy. The pregnancy was a rollercoaster. Awkward food cravings, mood swings, and sometimes body pain.

A few days before her due date, Amaya gave birth to a little princess they named Joanne.

For the next two years, Kelly competed in the pageants emerging as the winner, making her Miss Ivory three times in a row.

After her third win, she stepped down for someone else to take the crown. The money, gifts, and awards she received were more than enough to start a new life.

Her fame got her endorsement offers from fashion and beauty brands both home and abroad. Kelly's world heightened.

She established her very own fashion brand, which she called, Home of Kelly, at Grey's Ville.

She woke one morning from the sun's rays entering her eyes. Stretching her arms, she lets out a loud yawn. There was a knock on the door.

'Come in'
'Madam, the table is set' one of her helpers said,
'Thank you, I will down in a moment'.

  Kelly takes a shower getting ready to leave that morning. Before heading downstairs, she gazes at the mirror, dressed in a magenta suit, pleased with the woman she sees.

Shortly after breakfast with her family, she reaches an orphanage she supports before processing to her institution.

  Once entering the facility she sees children playing around but one boy in particular catches her attention. He is sitting alone by the swing.

Kelly enquires about him from one of the children's caretakers.

'Who is the kid by the swing? He is unfamiliar'
'Up until today he secluded himself from others and I don't blame him'
'Why is that?'

'From what I know, he is an illegitimate child and only lived with his mother till he was three. She left without a trace one day, since, he has moved from one relative to the other, none are willing to take him in.

Kelly sighs heavily in dismay 'How unfortunate, he must feel unloved that's why he distances himself. How is old?'
'Five years old'.

It was no secret, that Kelly was presumptuous but beneath that viel rested a tender heart filled with compassion.

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