06 - Wedding Bells

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~ He stole her heart, so she's taking his last name ~

Graham's Realty celebrated at the end of every business year to commend the efforts of its employees.

Although Amaya had paid off her debts to Jason by now, she remained in the company for apparent reasons.

Amaya was organizing her flat that afternoon, cleaning, dusting, and arranging when she heard a knock on her front door.

She swings her door open and sees a short lady holding a dress in one hand and a kit in the other.

'Good day Miss Amaya'
'Good day, how may I help?'
'On the contrary, I'm here to assist you'
'Mr. Graham sent me to help you get ready for the company's party this evening.

Amaya snorts, a smile growing on her face,
'Please come in', ushering the stylist in.

She hurriedly completed cleaning and the glamour-making began. After two hours of makeover, she was ready.

Amaya arrived at the venue, the moment she stepped into the hall all gazes fell on her, some with envy, others with admiration, showering her with numerous compliments.

Jason's eyes searched the hall until he caught sight of his lover, Amaya. There she stood in her silvery grey dress, emerging more beautiful than ever.

The two locked eyes for a moment before propelling themselves towards each other.

'Forgive me, I am late' Amaya said
'Perfection takes time' Jason replied, lifting her chin with his fingers, and placing a kiss on her forehead.

'Amaya you look…' he pauses, taking a deep breath, 'Frankly, I am out of words'.
She giggles as they acquaint themselves with other guests.

Midway through the occasion, Jason went on stage with Amaya drawing everyone's attention. She resisted, initially feeling sheepish but caved in.

'Before we resume the merrymaking, I would love you all to witness this'. Facing Amaya he held her hands softly, 'I can't visualize my life without you ' he confessed with sincerity.

'I love you, Amaya. I want to sleep and wake up each day by your side. He pulls out the ring box from the pocket of his tuxedo, 'If you will have me?'. Overwhelmed by her emotions, tears well up in her eyes, her pupils growing bigger.

There is a cheerful noise arising from the crowd, but it dies down as they await Amaya's response.

Cupping his cheek in her hands, she nods slowly, 'You know I will, yes'. He gently removes the ring, wearing it on her finger, and they turn to face the audience.

'Everyone, I would like to introduce the future Mrs. Graham'.

The people cheered, some applauding and congratulating them, others giggling with excitement while a few jealous people scoffed. The night ended splendidly.

The two lovers sat hand in hand that evening, Amaya adoring the ring on her finger, still feeling like it was a fantasy.

'I can't wait to see mother and father's reaction when knowing about their son-in-law'
'Actually, what?'
'They already know'
'I told them, I had to seek their blessing before proposing'
'You have a point, imagine after I say yes they don't approve'.

She takes one look out the window 'I need to head home' She stands up, but he holds on to her hand,

'Jason, dear, it's late. There are robbers on the streets'
'Don't be afraid, I will drop you off, just stay a little'.

Without saying a word, she pulls him off the couch, compelling him to exit with her.

Amaya and Jason went to Ashton the following week to greet her parents. The word about their engagement spread around Ashton.

In no time, it reached Kelly. It pains, while she suffered one thing after the other, Amaya was living her best life. It only made Kelly spite her the more.

Preparations for the wedding commenced. After weeks of meticulous planning, they were now ready to tie the knots.

Amaya's heart fluttered with excitement as she stood in front of the mirror, a vision of perfection. As she took a deep breath, the door creaked open, her father walked in, his eyes sparkling with pride.

'My beautiful daughter, my baby bird, is leaving my nest to start her own'. They make their way to the church and her father takes her hand, leading her down the aisle.

Jason stood at the altar, his eyes fixed on his bride as she sparkled in her wedding dress.

The ceremony began, filled with heartfelt vows and promises. They exchange rings as a symbol of their never-ending commitment to each other. At the pronouncement of “husband and wife,” the atmosphere was loaded with jubilation.

At the reception, the newlyweds danced their first dance, their movements like a graceful symphony.

Amaya is sitting on a cushioned stool by the window in a red nightdress, tenderly combing her hair. Jason walks out of the bathroom just then, only to see her looking glum.

'Post-wedding blues?' he asks, placing his hands on her shoulders, and crouching down beside her'

'No. I merely recalled Kelly, I never imagined my wedding without her' shaking her head, 'Well, there's no need sulking, people grow apart. I won't ruin our night'.

They raised their glasses to love and toasted to a life together.

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