12 - The Climax

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~ What will it be? Revenge or Conciliation? ~

Ezra had returned with Mrs. Olivia in a wheelchair the following morning. He swung Kelly's door open to call her downstairs for an earnest talk, but, he was stunned at the sight.

Kelly's room was upside-down, and pieces of a broken vase were spread near her bed. Empty wrappers of confectioneries littered on her bathroom floor, with scratches on the wall.

Immersed in her introspection Kelly stands at the edge of a bridge. She gazes into the river below, pouring her tears into it.
A hand pats her shoulders, it was Amaya. 

Amaya had stopped by a church in that area when she saw Kelly walking passed looking glum. She felt it was unsafe to leave Kelly by herself in that state, so Amaya followed her.

Turning around, Kelly sees Amaya behind her. For someone who was out for revenge, now was the perfect time to finish what she started. She could just push Amaya into the river below.

Without speaking a word, Kelly holds Amaya's hand but does something unforeseen. She gently rests her face on Amaya's chest, and Amaya moves her away from the bridge's side.

Just then, they hear the sound of thunder. The sky grew darker with lightning flashing through it, as heavy wind blew past them.

'Amaya. Sorry. I do not understand how I gave way to anger to take hold of me. Can you ever forgive me?' Kelly was sobered up.

Before Amaya could reply, the winds knocked over a frail structure, but they dodged by an inch.

'Kelly we need to take shelter, a storm is coming'
'Well, where do we go? I'm not conversant with the area'
'I believe I saw a motel down the street, we should get there in time'.

As swiftly as possible, they ran to the motel, but, with the winds blowing and dust particles encompassing the atmosphere, they found it hard to move.

After what seemed like forever, they arrived at the motel, already drenched. The staff and guests at the motel instantly identify them. Aside from their popularity, their viral squabble videos got them more recognition.

'Mrs. Graham, Miss Kelly. We have only one room left, just like you, a few people came to seek shelter here.
'That won't be a problem, we will stay together. Please bring us each a cup of hot tea', Amaya instructed him.

The staff escorted them to the room and brought their cups of tea shortly after. Amaya and Kelly sat silently sipping from their cups.

Amaya watched the droplets fall down the glass, clutching her now cold cup of tea. She glances over at Kelly, who is shivering in the corner of the room.

The winds sent a small branch flying to the window, jolting Amaya backward. She quietly sits opposite Kelly.

The storm outside mirrored the tempest in their hearts. This encounter would force them to confront the cracks that tore them apart.

'To what extent did I hurt you?', Amaya asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
'Where do I begin?', Kelly takes a long, deep breath.

'First, you undermined my aspiration. Next, you sent me to prison, where I was physically assaulted. Kelly opens her back, exposing the X Naomi gave her.

'Because of constant worrying, my mother fell severely ill, that's why I wished to harm Aunty Julia, so you could know the feeling. To worsen things, since we didn't have the money for her treatment…'

Kelly slaps her palm against her face, 'That Sir Gregory, he took advantage of our predicament to satisfy his lust for me'.

At that point, Amaya didn't see the resentful Kelly, who she saw was a person who still bled from the hurts she faced.

'Kelly I'm sorry. I am the reason you hate me, aren't I? I am the one who tore us apart.

'At the bridge earlier, I wanted to push you into the river, but, I asked myself what good will it do me? In an attempt to hurt you, I hurt those around me. Ezra and my mother may never forgive me.

Kelly shakes her head, taking Amaya's hand. 'Can you ever forgive me?'.

'I don't hold anything against you, I should be the one asking'.

'I held onto grudges for too long, revenge just left me empty. I would rather not live like this. I apologize for the hurt I inflicted on you.

'I know the pain I've caused you, and I am also sorry. I miss the friendship we shared. Can we rebuild that bridge back to one another?'

At that moment, their defenses crumbled, tears streaming down their faces. Amaya and Kelly move slowly towards each other, throwing their arms wide open.

As they embraced tightly in a newfound understanding, vowing to rebuild their friendship, forgiveness washed over them like a balm for their wounded hearts.

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