09 - Reconnection

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~ The problems we don't face today, we live to face tomorrow ~

Amaya and Jason received an invite to a charity happening that weekend. An auction will be held and the funds raised will go to needy children.

Coincidentally, Kelly was requested to donate a couple of her best apparel to be auctioned.

On the evening of the occasion, Kelly was dressed in a black designer gown posing in front of her mirror as though she was in a photoshoot.

'My mama looks so pretty' Ezra speaks walking in through her half-open door.
'And my son is so handsome. Shall we leave?'

Amaya, Jason, and Joanne arrive earlier than the others. Amaya and Jason stopped exchanging pleasantries with the other guests.

As they turned to their seats, Amaya went pale as a statue noticing a face she knew all too well, Kelly. The two women stare at each other blankly, their hearts beating with apprehension.

'Kel... Kelly, it's a pleasure seeing you' Amaya stuttered.

Kelly gazes at her already irritated by Amaya's presence. She looks at Jason and then back at Amaya, a pang of jealousy striking her.

Faking a smile, 'Likewise. I never predicted something like this. Well, enjoy the occasion'. Kelly quickly leaves to elude their company.

A few minutes into the commencement of the event, Joanne excuses herself, going for a stroll around the building. She wound up at the rooftop where she meets a lad her age.

'I'm guessing you also find these parties boring' Ezra says spotting Joanne from the corner of his eyes.

She giggles, 'I understand it's for a good cause, however, why so dull? Is that why you're up here?'
'Isn't that why you are here?'. They both snorted.
'I am Ezra by the way, and you?' 'Joanne'.

They chitchatted for minutes losing track of time. Joanne's phone rings not long after.

'Oh, shoot! Mum is calling, she must wander where I am. Ezra it was nice speaking with you, hope we see again soon,
'Same here, take care'.

At the closure of the day, Amaya and her family stood to take some snapshots when Kelly saw them. At that moment a flash of the past flooded her mind, and she almost lost her balance.

'Mama, is there a problem' Ezra asks holding her from falling.
'Yes, I'm only tired, today has been hectic'
'Fine. Then, shall we go home so you can rest?'

In the car, Kelly expresses her wish to change his school to Primax Academy. Primax Academy was a school, where wealthy people sent their kids. From politicians to businessmen to renowned people in society.

If you weren't from a prosperous home, you'd need a scholarship to get in. Primax Academy was also known for giving the best education and discipline to its students.

In Kelly's opinion, enrolling Ezra was long overdue, nothing less than the best for her sunshine.

Joanne is sitting with her legs crossed in class while speaking to Mark who is bent over her desk. Roxie is behind applying her lipgloss not paying attention to their discussion.

The bell rang just then and their teacher walked in with a new student behind her.
'Settle down class!'.
Joanne instantly recognized him.

'As you can see we have a new student in our midst. Everyone, say hello to Ezra'. Ezra walks over to take his seat in the middle row of the class.

Before the teacher begins, Joanne glances over her shoulder to make eye contact with Ezra. He winks at her and she turns to face the front.

At recess, Ezra walks up to Roxie and Joanne we're packing their stuff,
'How hard did you pray to see me?', Joanne chuckles at his remark.

'You know each other?', asked Roxie
'We met at an event'
'Then he should join us for lunch, Mark is already at the cafeteria'.

Roxie takes a deep breath and speaks again, 'Ezra, where have I seen you, you seem familiar, wait a minute'.

She answers her question by pulling out a magazine from her bag which had his picture on the front cover.
'This is you, isn't it?'
'That is correct'.

By the end of the school day, Kelly drops by to get Ezra. Roxie and Joanne notice them at the exit of the school,

'Joanne, it's a goddess' Roxie squealed.
'What goddess?'
'Ezra's mother. Come let us greet her'.

  She yanks Joanne moving towards Kelly,
'Good day ma'am' they greet in unison
'Mum, this is Joanne and Roxie, my friends'
'It's a pleasure to meet you both'.

Joanne instantly caught Kelly's attention, resembling a photocopy of little Amaya,
'Joanne, may I ask for your last name?'
'Graham ma'am'
'Any relation to Amaya and Jason Graham?'
'Yes. They're my parents.

Kelly goes on to tell her how she and Amaya used to be best friends. Once her mother reaches home, Joanne tells her encounter with Kelly.

Out of the innocence of her heart, Amaya invites Kelly over to her house. It had been more than fifteen years, she didn't expect any hard feelings.

Kelly acknowledges, bringing the whole family along. Amaya did what she could to make their visit warm.

'Amaya, how is work going?' Mrs Olivia asked while they conversed in the living room having snacks.
'It could get stressful now and then but it's all good aunt. What of you Kelly?'

'It's flourishing better than I expected', she pauses, 'I made that dress you're wearing' she said again, obviously attempting to rub her success in.

Amaya suddenly feels uneasy in the dress.
'I'm joking Amaya, one of my trainees made it'
'Kelly that isn't funny'
'Oh, but it is. I recall you saying that my pursuit was stupid, who is stupid now?'

Jason rises to his feet in agitated, 'Enough Kelly, I didn't welcome you into my home so you disrespect my wife'.

Kelly bursts out in laughter, 'You both need some chill pills, I was merely messing around'.

'Please forgive us, Sir Jason, Kelly let us leave', Andrew spoke trying to intervene.
Kelly walked out majestically feeling elated.

Positioned on the balcony of her room with her arms crossed, Amaya rubs her palms on her upper arm to give herself warmth from the cold breeze blowing past her.

Jason catches a glimpse of her through the windblown curtains, approaching her he wraps his arm around her waist.

'Is something bothering you?'
'What else? I feel silly to have opened my doors to her'
'You're not silly, you're kind-hearted and that's what I love about you the most. Besides you are no psychic, how would you have known she still held onto the past'.

'Kelly I will stay out of your way, but, hurt me or my family and I will give you the fight you're requesting of me', Amaya says to herself.

Unknown to them Joanne is eavesdropping on their conversation, however, she prefers not to ask.

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