03 - Shattered Friendship

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~True friends are hard to find but easy to lose~

The moment the pageantry registration began, Kelly signed up, and her training commenced shortly after.

Amaya awaited her arrival one evening on the porch, minutes later, she saw Kelly approaching from a distance with a bag around her shoulder as sweat dripped down her face.

'You look worn out' Amaya speaks, wiping Kelly's sweat with her handkerchief.
'I am, the training can get intense'
'It's worth it, don't you want to be crowned beauty queen of the year'
'I do just imagine' She closes her eyes narrating her fantasy
'I am standing on the stage in my glittering gown as the judges call out my name with my fans in the audience cheering. Kelly! Kelly!'

Whilst they conversed, a man ran towards them panicked, causing them to snap out of their daydream.
'Amaya! It's your father. He is in the hospital' 'Why, what happened?'

It turns out Mr. Stan was stretching to reach the sugar at the top of the kitchen shelf when the step stool he climbed wobbled, causing him to fall headlong to the ground.

He instantly became unconscious. The noise of his crash drew the attention of others in the bakery. The customers rushed into the kitchen to see what had transpired, only to find him unconscious on the floor.

Mr. Stan sustained a minor concussion and was discharged shortly after with a few medications. He went on well for weeks until he began experiencing rather too frequent headaches.

After a series of medical assessments, the doctors discovered he had internal bleeding which formed a blood clot at the back of his head, this was the cause of his frequent headaches.

Amaya and her mother sat beside her father's bed as they talked desperately with the doctor
'Doctor what do we do about my father's ailment'

'He will need to undergo surgery. Unfortunately, we do not have the facilities here in Ashton, he needs to be transferred to a hospital in the city'

'And how much will the surgery cost?'
'Since it involves the head, it is a delicate surgery and expensive. It costs about Ten Thousand Rocks in total'
'Ten Thousand!' Mrs. Julia exclaims 'Amaya, we don't even earn that much'
'Mother, please' rubbing her shoulders 'Doctor, is there any other option?'

'Meanwhile, there are medications he can take to reduce the pain he is experiencing, but I still highly recommend he undergoes the operation' he prescribes, heading out 'If you will excuse me, I'll go do my rounds'

'Mother I have some money saved up, we will use it for his drugs while we think of a way to raise money for his operation'

'Okay. I will wait for your father to wake up. Go ahead, rest, and prepare something for us to eat'
Amaya leaves the hospital feeling disturbed. On reaching her front door, she felt a hand tap on her shoulder, it was Kelly
'Kelly, I didn't notice you'
'Yes, you looked deep in thought. I heard Uncle Stan was taken to the hospital again, is he alright?'

'He is, it's nothing serious' Amaya chose to keep it away from Kelly. She was afraid that Kelly might worry and lose concentration on the pageantry.

'Good. I need your help with money. The contest is drawing closer, and I require materials for my dress'
'I'd love to assist you, but I do not have the money'
'I know you have savings'
'It's for something else'.

Unsatisfied with Amaya's response, Kelly takes advantage of her absent-mindedness. Slinking into her bedroom, she rummaged through the place until she found some cash stashed underneath her bed.

'Amaya, please forgive me, I will repay you' she says to herself, stealthily walking out of the house.

The next morning, Amaya set out to get the doctor's prescription only to realize her savings were missing. Sitting down in a daze, she recalls her dialogue with Kelly the previous day.
'No, Kelly, you won't'

Amaya storms over to Kelly's just to meet her prancing in her room ever so gracefully.
'Kelly, what happened to my money?'

Coming to a pause, Kelly replies 'I was going to inform you'
'You went ahead even after I told you not to'
'I will repay you I promise'
'Give back the money now it's crucial'
'I spent it already' pointing to her bed where the handmade dress lay elegantly.

A surge of fury runs through Amaya. She gives Kelly a tight slap, sending her to the floor. Kelly stands to her feet in anger, shoving Amaya backward as they break out into a heated argument.

'What part of I'm going to pay back didn't you get?'
'It was for my father's medicine. If he doesn't take them, his illness may worsen'
'You said it was nothing serious'
'Does it matter, you have zero right to steal from me'.

'It was your shortcoming, if you had informed me that it was for something critical I wouldn't have taken it' Kelly speaks without an iota of remorse.

Amaya gasps in a stunner, 'Rather than apologizing, you are blaming me? And all for what that stupid passion of yours?'

'Stupid? Amaya, Wow!'
'What if my father dies because of this?'
'So. I grew up without a father, and I am doing just fine'

Kelly spoke out of anger, regretting the words as soon as they came out, but she was too pained to apologize. Amaya felt her heart sink to her stomach in disbelief.
'Don't bother paying me back, you will pay'.

Without delay, Amaya reported the incident to the authorities. Kelly was called in for questioning, and days later she was convicted of the crime of theft for a year.

Amaya was chopping some vegetables in her kitchen one evening when her father walked in to bring himself a glass of water.
'You've had that frown on your face since your dispute with Kelly'.

She drops the knife slowly turning to face him
'How can I afford to smile? Like your illness was not enough problem, she had to pull that stunt'.

'Was having her arrested not too much?'
'No. If she simply acknowledged her fault, we may have worked things out, she accused me instead'.
'We both know Kelly well. She likely regrets her action but is proud to admit it '.

Without sympathy, 'all the more reason she should be locked up. Father your life is at stake here '

He places one hand on her shoulder attempting to relax her when he senses a sharp pain at the back of his head making him groan loudly.

'Father!' Amaya exclaims in fright, escorting him to the living room to rest.

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