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Your head hurts like shit.

"Another migraine?" You spoke to yourself, holding your head with your hands

"...I'll live." You let out the longest sigh in existence as you pull out a bottle of Advil from your office drawer, downing 2 pills before clicking through a new exam chart on your computer. "Next patient is... Gojo Satoru? Anything I should know beforehand?"

Your medical assistant hums as she looks up from her computer near yours. "Nothing too important, really—I think he's just here for a yearly physical. Oh, but he's super hot."

A laugh escapes your mouth as you tug on a white doctor's coat that's a size too large. "No flirting with patients, Maeda-san."

"Oh, come on." Maeda rolls her eyes as she places her hand on her chin, giving you a teasing smile. "Haven't you ever seen an attractive patient and thought, maybe just once?"

You snort at that, opening the office door to head towards the exam room. "Risk of losing my medical license aside, it's hard to find someone attractive once they've started telling you about their explosive diarrhea."

That leaves Maeda-san wheezing with laughter, and you give her an exaggerated shrug before finally making your way to your morning patient.

You trudge your way down the hall, suddenly wondering if you should have taken an extra Advil for good measure. Even though you've always had a rather weak body (it being one of the main reasons you ended up studying medicine), you still haven't gotten used to the migraines, aches, and fatigue that's plagued you since birth.

Standing in front of the door, you take a deep breath, massaging your temples and rehearsing a well-practiced smile before finally entering the room.

"Good morning!" You chirp, raising your voice just a half-pitch higher so it's welcoming, but not overly eager. "Gojo-san, is that correct?"

You're greeted by a shock of white hair as the man sitting on the hospital chair in front of you looks up from his phone with a grin. "Yep, that's me."

"Great! I'm Doctor (L/N)." You reach out to shake his hand, giving him a once-over before taking a seat in front of the computer. He looks pretty healthy, and Maeda-san's pretests had shown perfectly normal numbers for a 27 year old male. It should be a quick and easy exam, leaving you extra time to go over the X-Ray scans with your next patient.

"I'll have the pleasure of being your doctor today. So, what can I help you with?"

"Please, the pleasure is all mine." He pulls off his sunglasses, shooting you a wink as he slides them into the collar of his shirt.

...maeda-San wasn't joking... he's hot
you think, before quickly correcting yourself. He's not that hot.

The first thing you noticed were his collarbones. Those goddamn collarbones. You never really understood why people found them attractive, but the way they peek out just above his shirt collar is just enough for you to consider changing your mind. And he's not wearing a tight shirt by any means, but the long-sleeve he's wearing fits just right around his shoulders and torso so that you can tell—the man works out.

Then there are his eyes. The moment he took off his sunglasses and winked at you, you knew that this wouldn't be the easy exam you thought it would be.

His eyes are a shade of blue you've never seen before, perfectly contrasted against his white eyelashes. It's the color of the sky on a clear day after a harrowing storm, the color of a lake with more still lurking beneath its depths.

You feel like a deer in headlights. A very attractive pair of highlights.

"I'm just here for a yearly work check-up — higher-ups want to make sure I'm in top shape for the new year."

You snap out of your reverie as he continues speaking, and quickly turn your head back to the computer screen to type out notes. "Got it, of course. And what kind of work do you do, Gojo-san?"

He tilts his head, grinning as he replies. "Oh, I'm just a high school teacher."


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