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The door shuts behind her, and the sound of her footsteps echoes down the hall until you can no longer hear them.

Another sigh escapes your mouth as you lean against the wall, staring at the closed door.

They got a family friend, who just happens to be a detective for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, to run a background check on Satoru.

Your parents clearly don't trust you. Still.

You let out an even louder sigh and bury your face into the wall. You don't hate them, per se. They're still your parents, and your relationship with them has started to improve as you've grown older.

You know they're wrong, sometimes, with the way they micromanage your diet and medicine intake, and how they love to shove random marriage candidates in your face, introducing you to the son of your mom's childhood friend's niece's friend's cousin -- or whichever poor bastard got stuck in their grasp.

You know they're right, sometimes, with the way they push you to acknowledge problems that are staring you straight in the face. Despite all the luck you're having at the moment, your health isn't guaranteed to be smooth sailing for the rest of your life, and to tell the truth, you wouldn't have known much about the school Satoru teaches at if they hadn't told you today.

But it's frustrating.

"You're gonna flatten your face like that, you know." Satoru turns your head away from where it's smushed against the wall, raising an eyebrow as you turn to give him a tired look. "What's with the face? I thought your mom liked me."

"Oh, she loved you." You drawl out the last two words as you slide your back down the wall, sitting down and watching as he follows you to take a seat on the ground by your side. "Gave you a 5 star rating, too."

"Only a 5? And here I thought I'd get a higher grade or something." He winks as he elbows your side, smiling as you snort back in response.

The pit in your stomach sits there like a ball of lead. You swallow hard, staring blankly across the narrow hallway.

"Hey, Satoru?"


"What kind of school is Jujutsu Tech?"

He shrugs, scratching the back of his neck. "Oh, it's just a trade school over in the outskirts of Tokyo. Why're you asking?"

"My mom was just wondering what you taught." You pause, your eyes boring circles into the walls. He's answering in broad descriptions again, not specifying the subject or the location. You'd be lying if you said you hadn't tried to Google the school before, but while it existed, you couldn't find any extra information on where it was or what it taught. "...Is it religious?"

"Hmm..." He places a finger on his chin, tapping it against his head as he answers. "Kinda?"

'Kind of.' 'Maybe.' 'It's complicated.' What else is he going to say this time?

You say nothing after his answer, and a heavy silence falls as you squeeze your eyes shut. "How many years have you been teaching again?"

"8 or 9, give or take?"

The pit in your stomach drops, and you bury your head against your knees.

"What's up with all the questions today? Was your mom interrogating you or something?" He leans against your side, resting his head against your shoulder as he lets out a lazy yawn. "If she really wanted to know, she could have just asked me directly. I'll even send her my resume if she wants it."

You wonder what'd be on it. More about him than you know right now, anyways.

You shrug his head off of your shoulder, slowly standing back up as you rub your eyes. Satoru raises an eyebrow as he watches you, gaze filled with confusion at your tired face.

Your mouth opens. Then closes. Like a fish out of water, you struggle to find the right words to say, the right questions to ask. Your head still feels like a muddy swamp filled with confusing and contrasting details that aren't quite pieced together.

"Who are you? No, that's too vague..." You run a hand down your face, eyes locking with Satoru as you choose your words.

"What aren't you telling me?"


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