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"She was so nice ," Maeda-san praises Akari-chan as you return to your office, spinning her chair around to face you as she spins a pen in between her fingers. "I'm impressed that she even had the guts to get a pregnancy test when she came in for an appointment with her mom, too."

"I know, right? Akari-chan's a great kid. Easy to talk to and takes other people's advice like it's no problem." You smile as you close her exam chart, looking at the blank slots that follow her scheduled appointment. It seems like you're all done for the day, which will give you enough time to jump on the next train to meet Gojo for dinner in Shibuya. Perfect.

"Oh! By the way, Dr. Fujiwara mentioned he wanted to talk to you about something as soon as you were done." Maeda-san's voice snaps you out of your plans, and you tilt your head in confusion as you glance at her.

"Did he say what it was about?"

"Nah, just that it was about scheduling."

"Ah, okay." You hum as you exit and make your way to his office. It's probably about switching around the days you're working in the department. Maybe he wants you to be in the nursing home more often, than inside the hospital?

You knock on the open door, signaling your arrival as you peek your head in ever so slightly. "Dr. Fujiwara, did you need me?"

"[L/N]-san! Come on in, and close the door behind you." He grins as he looks up from his computer, waving you inside. "Go ahead and take a seat, too."

You follow his instructions, making yourself comfortable in the chair as he finishes up entering something into a chart in the meantime. The door's closed and you're sitting down, which means this... might take some time. "Maeda -san said you wanted to ask something about scheduling?"

"Yes... so how do your Wednesdays and Thursdays look like right now?" He takes his eyes off the screen for a second, eyebrow raised as he glances at you through his glasses.

You blink, considering your schedule. "I'm at the nursing home for those days right now, from 12pm-6pm."

"Got it, got it, 12pm-6pm..." He mumbles as he clicks something on the computer, eyes flicking between you and his screen. "...Perfect!" Dr. Fujiwara leans back against his chair, and he smiles as he turns to look at you. "Do you remember Yamaguchi-san?"

"Of course, he was one of the attendings for the Emergency Department." You nod as you remember the current ED Director.

"Yes, but did you know he's planning on retiring soon?"

That takes you a bit by surprise, albeit not completely. Dr. Yamaguchi has been an attending in the ED for some time now, and has worked in the hospital for longer than you've been alive. "I... did not. It'll be sad to see someone with his experience go."

Dr. Fujiwara sighs, nodding his head in agreement. "It's a shame, really, but we can't keep him shackled to medicine for long. Of course, this means that we'll have to be shuffling around the positions in the ED, and we will be hiring some new physicians and surgeons to join them. And that's where you come in." He points a pen in your direction, and this time you're unable to hide the shock that pops up on your face.


He laughs at your surprised expression, adjusting his seat as he begins to explain. "It's still going to be some time before they finish hiring and onboarding new physicians, so they need a couple of hands to help around in the meantime. I know you never got to finish your ED residency, but your experience in family medicine should be enough to have you practice as a midlevel for 2 days a week. How about that?"

You swear your jaw is on the ground as you consider his offer.

There's nothing wrong with the field you're working with right now -- family medicine means you get to see patients of all different ages, and each person has unique circumstances that lets you treat each person differently.

But at some point, there's only so many problems that people can come in for. Things like high blood pressure, fevers, stomachaches, or sore muscles have become so commonplace that you've memorized treatment plans for them like it's the back of your hand. The chance to work in the ED, where time moves fast and doctors move faster is a chance you might never get again.

"I... that... it sounds fantastic, sir. Can I ask what I should do with my current shift in the nursing home?"

He waves a hand, dismissing your concerns. "I'm sure Endo-san would be glad to take that on, especially considering she's only working 2 days a week right now. What I do want to know though, is your current health status." His voice lowers into a more serious tone as he places his chin on both hands, peering at you through his glasses. "How have you been feeling lately? Will you be able to handle staying on your feet for those two days?"

It must be a blessing that you've felt completely fine for the past few months (except the weird attack you got while at the mall with Gojo, but even then that was only one occurrence out of so many days), because you're sure you wouldn't have been able to agree if your health was as it used to be.

A smile spreads on your face. "I've been feeling perfectly fine, sir. I haven't had any major issues, attacks, or even headaches for the last few months -- I'm positive I'll be fine on the floor."

"That sounds fantastic!" His eyes light up at the good news. "Did you start taking a new medication, or maybe some lifestyle changes?"

"I didn't, actually." You tilt your head as you consider the recent changes. "If anything, I've been taking less medications. To be honest, I don't really understand it completely either."

"Well, regardless, that's great news. I'll let Dr. Yamaguchi know and we can sort out the specifics later. I'm sure he'll be happy to have you on board." He stands up from his chair, reaching out a hand and you follow suit to shake his hand.

You give him a deep bow, grateful for the chance to hide the giddy smile that's spreading on your face. "Of course. Thank you so much for the opportunity, Dr. Fujiwara, I can't even begin to explain how grateful I am."

He lets out a laugh as he sits back down, going back to typing on the computer. "Save that gratefulness for your patients! No need to give it to an old man like me."

You let out a laugh of your own, opening the door as you start making your way out. "Please, Dr. Fujiwara, I'm sure you still have plenty of time before it's your turn to retire."

"You never know!" He calls out, and you stifle a laugh as you finally make your way back to your office. You glance at a clock on the wall as you head down the hallway, thinking about the goodbyes you'll have to say to your nursing home patients.


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