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Nothing ever gets past her, does it? You purse your lips together, considering how to answer her question.

She rolls your eyes at the amount of time it takes for you to answer, opting for a different tactic. "Ok, how about this. How did you two meet?"

That one you can answer. "I don't think you want to hear that."

"How come?"

"...You just don't."

Her fingers rap more loudly against the table as she grows impatient, pouting at you. "Girl, I just spent like the last hour talking about my wedding plans, so it's time for you to talk about yourself. And unless he's some homeless drug addict you met in the sewers, I don't think I'll be disappointed."

You cover your face with your hands, trying to think of how to tell her. "...Hewasmypatient."

"Say that again?"

You bury your face deeper into your hands. "He... was my patient...."

Kyoko chokes on her water and even without looking up, you can sense the waves of shock coming from her direction. "You're fucking kidding. [F/N], you could get your license taken away."

"Wait, okay, I swear I can explain." You put your hands up in front of you in a shoddy attempt to calm her down, trying to defend yourself. "I didn't do anything when he was my patient, he just came in for a physical exam for work. Then, he left my patient registry, and I met him at a bakery around a week later so..." You slap a hand over your forehead. It really doesn't sound any better as a full story either.

She slowly nods her head, slightly less hesitant. "Oookay. Not as much as a legal nightmare, but still within the realm of ethical malpractice." She reaches across the table, beckoning for your phone. "Show me what he looks like before I judge you even more."

You hesitate, peering at your phone. "Uh..."

"Come on."

You let out a huff, sliding your phone open and scrolling through the texts you've had with Gojo over the past weeks to one of the many photos he's sent you. You settle on a more wholesome one -- a selfie where he's ruffling the black spiky hair of what you're guessing is one of his students, though the boy seems to be on the younger side.

Kyoko takes the phone from your hand, considering the photo. "Hm."

And then she does what you hate the most whenever someone else has your phone -- scroll away.

You rocket over the table, struggling to snatch it away from her hands. "No, nonono. Give it back!"

She laughs as she dodges your arms, scooting away from the table and holding your phone far away from your reach. "Okay, I take back what I said about ethical malpractice. He's definitely worth it. Holy shit, look at those eyes." She lets out a low whistle as she scrolls through your text messages, which is unfortunately... a lot. "How long have you been texting? Jesus, there's so much." She looks up at the phone to give you a raised eyebrow. "And kaomojis? Seriously? I've known you for over 5 years and you've never once sent me a single smiley face."

You feel your face go beet red as she continues, clearly enjoying your embarrassment. In the end you surrender, finding solace in your cold hands as you once again cover your face in shame. "Kyoko, I am begging you to give me back my phone."

"Fiiine, but only because you asked so nicely." She sighs, handing your phone back, and you snatch it away and slide it into your pocket before she can do anymore stalking. "I'm just glad that your eternally-alone curse has been broken."

You groan as she grins at you, chin on her hand as she winks. "Thank you for reminding me of my nonexistent love life, Miss I'm-Getting-Married-In-A-Year."

Her smile only grows, and her hands continue playing with the ring on her finger. "Oh, that's right!" Her head suddenly shoots up, and she waves out her hand to signal for a waiter. "Check, please!"

You check the time on your watch in a panic, worried that you've gone over time, but the ticking clock face greets you with a solid 11:30AM. Letting out a sigh of relief, you shoot Kyoko a confused look. "What's with the rush? We still have plenty of time left."

She gives you a shrug. "Just realized we should probably go to Victoria's Secret before we split."

You nod, taking a sip of water. "Sounds good. Did you need new bras or something?"

"Nah girl, I'm buying you lingerie."

You spit out your water. "You're what?"

"Come on, do you think you're gonna get laid with grandma panties on?"

"They're not grandma panties!"


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