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Instead of sending his students to train for war, he sent them to turn all of Japan upside down to find you. He didn't care about the war, he knew he would win. But the fact that his girlfriend had been missing for several days stressed him

Was Suguru behind this? Is this part of his plan? And if so, why are you necessary? why did he take you?

It can't be a coincidence that you go missing on the same day he declares a war.

What does he wants from you??

It's been three days since you were gone, Satoru almost couldn't sleep at night from anxiety.

He knew.

He knew he shouldn't have told her.

He knew he wasn't allowed to tell her.

He still did it

He did it for the same reason he refused to tell her about everything in the first place

He was afraid of losing her.

The night was quiet, too quiet. It bothered him. The sounds of crickets were heard in the background and Satoru sighed. Another wasted day, another day without results

How can you call yourself the strongest, when you can't do such a simple thing?!

How can you not find her?!

Satoru was hard on himself, how did he let the one he loved slip through his fingers? Satoru heard walking sounds behind him but he didn't turn around. He didn't care who it was, he didn't feel like talking at all

"Satoru, you need to sleep. The war is tomorrow and we need you ready." His teacher - or rather the principal told him. He put his hand on his shoulders and Satoru sighed

"I told you I was fine, old man. I don't need to rest, I'm the strongest.'' Oh, how much he hated to say it. How he hated to define himself the strongest. He couldn't look at himself as one. Not until he finds her at least.

Yaga remained silent for a short time, before he responded to him "You are human, you too have limits. Go to sleep Satoru."

Satoru growled in annoyance, but he listened to him. He always listened to Yaga. "Good night" Satoru said in a cold voice and left the place for his dorm

But sleeping was too difficult a task for him right now. Satoru rolled over in his bed from side to side, put the pillow on his head, and groaned annoyedly.

The night was no different than any night since December 20th, another sleepless night. It pissed him off. The night was quiet, everyone was sleeping or preparing for the war that would happen the next day.

He barely sleeps in his dorm since he met you, since he moved to sleep with you every day. It was something you both liked to do, something that calmed the storms in his head that were constantly raging.

Satoru didn't know many people who managed to calm the storms in his head that he tries so hard to keep small. Only 3 people. His mother, Suguru, and you. But his mother and he barely speak since he graduated from high school, Suguru lost his sanity and turned to madness and murder, and then you appeared

Everything seemed so peaceful in his head and soul. The storms had long since subsided and he was able to love again. But he never really felt that everything was fine. He knew that as long as he was involved in the world of curses and jujutsu sorcerers neither you nor he could truly live a peaceful life together

It was too dangerous. He knew. As long as he is near you, you will remain in danger, even if you know his secrets or not. But he wanted to be selfish. He wanted to think about himself this time, about his joy, about his inner peace. And not to think all the time about the what ifs.

He was sure that as long as he stayed strong then everything would be fine. As long as he stays strong then he will be able to protect you as he has done until now.

But right now?... Right now he felt weak. How can he call himself the strongest when he can't protect you?!??! How can anyone call him the strongest when he can't find you?!?! Tasks that should be so simple for someone like him!! So why??? Why can't he ever help those he really wants to save?!?!...

The thoughts tired him, and slowly he began to drift off to sleep. But not for long - when the sun had already begun to peek in his window, to burn his eyelids. Satoru tried to close his eyes harder. there is still some time until the war isn't there? It should be towards evening right?.

But time was not in his favor either, time was never in his favor. The sun was setting as fast as it had risen in the morning and disturbing his sleep-- not that he had had much anyway. and soon enough it would be time to leave and head to Shinjuku.

Yaga tried to warn him, to tell him to be careful. "Even though you are the strongest, you never really know what card is up your enemy's sleeve"

"Shut it up. This war will be over faster than it started." was what Satoru responded. His face was serious. Other people would never have guessed that he didn't sleep for 4 nights straight. He just wanted to get it over with already and go back to looking for you. He has no time to waste.

Oh how he should have listened to Yaga...

because when he started to fight, standing in front of him was none other than you.

but no...

It wasn't you.

He can't be wrong about you.

Your cursed energy was bigger, not what he could feel from you normally, your face was, your body too... covered in tattoos..

He learned about it when he was in high school, Yaga taught them about the most powerful cursed object in existence, but he never saw it with his own 2 (or 6) eyes before.

Ryomen sukuna

how does that make sense?


The story is getting closer to the end.
Idk how and why I started updating so much lately, I guess I'm excited for you guys to read

And if it doesn't make sense, it will in future chapters<3


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