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Spoilers to the lord of rings!!


Gojo's been to your place plenty of times ever since you've officially gone steady, so you trust that he won't do anything weird while you're showering. But at the same time, you silently realize that this is the first time he's staying over for the night.

Your mind wanders to the wrapped Victoria's Secret box shoved in the back of your closet. Is tonight...?



You shower and get dressed normally, pushing those thoughts out of your mind. Once you make your way to the living room, you see Gojo (now changed back into his clean and dry clothes) as he lounges on the couch. You plop down next to him, resting your head against his shoulder.

"Is this Lord of the Rings?"

"Yeah. I never continued watching after Boromir died, so might as well, you know." He shrugs, rubbing his eyes before putting his arm around your shoulders.

You blink, glancing between him and the TV. "Wait, Boromir dies?"

He stays silent, eyes not moving away from the screen as he suddenly starts whistling.

"...Gojo." Your eyes narrow as he refuses to meet your gaze.

You reach over to your side to grab a couch cushion, chucking it at his face when he refuses to respond. "Are you serious!?"

He laughs as he catches it easily, taking it and hugging it to his chest as he turns away. "Hey, how was I supposed to know you haven't watched it before?"

"And how was I supposed to know you've already watched it? Gimme that." You crawl over to try and take it away, but unfortunately he has gravity on his side through a pure height advantage and manages to keep it out of your grasp without even breaking a sweat.

You sigh, deciding to sneak behind his back and snatching the cushion that he's leaning back against already before returning to your place against his shoulder. "Ok, no more spoilers from now on."

Gojo pauses for a second. "Does it count when they--"

"Yes, probably."

It's easy to lose track of time as the two of you lie there together, shooting stupid jokes at each other as the movie goes on. It's also insanely long, because by the time you get to Boromir's death, you're already half-asleep against Gojo's shoulder.

You probably fall asleep somewhere in between that scene and the end of the movie because by the time you wake up, it's already morning. The TV is still on, though it's moved far past the movie and is now blaring random infomercials for products you definitely don't want.

You squint as your eyes adjust to the brightness, sunlight peeking through the windows adding to the lights that are still turned on in the living room. It's still relatively early, but your neck's a bit stiff from sleeping in a weird position all night long. You won't be going back to sleep anytime soon.

Getting up from the couch, you massage the stiff side of your neck before looking back down to see Gojo still sleeping. One of his arms is still slung over the top of the couch, while the back of his head lies on the top of the couch.

You feel a bit guilty at how he's fallen asleep in a relatively uncomfortable position, but his expression looks so calm that it seems he's more comfortable than he looks. His hair is sticking up in random places, closed eyelids outlined by white eyelashes, and the pink hue of his lips slightly separated as his chest rises and falls in a steady rhythm.

You reach over to swipe a strand of hair out of his eyes, but quickly retract your hand.

Despite how much he likes to hold your hand or pull you close by the waist, there's this inexplicable distance that separates the two of you no matter what. You know he's a teacher, you know he likes playing RPGs, and you know he likes cheesy home decor because that's the reason there's a Live, Laugh, Love sign hanging in the kitchen even though it's ugly as hell. But what else?

You don't know exactly what he teaches, and you don't know what kind of trade Jujutsu Tech specializes in. He's never mentioned anything about his family, friends, or his past. Does he have siblings? Is he on good terms with his parents?

You don't know. You want to know, but you can't force him.

It's a feeling you can't describe, a sensation that you can't quite stomach. There will be moments when he'll be walking too fast for you, and times when you'll have to remind him to take his time. He always seems to be on the move, and it's moments where you grab his hand and get him to slow down that makes you uncertain.

What are you rushing towards? What are you worried about?

Why do you feel so far away?

You sigh, grabbing a blanket from your room and cloaking it over him. He mumbles a bit at the sensation, but doesn't quite wake up.

Maybe it'll just take time.

...So for now, you should probably just make some breakfast.

You grab the ingredients from the fridge and freezer, trying to make as little noise as possible as you marinate the salmon before putting it on the grill. Shutting it closed with your hip, you grab a pot for the miso soup and sprinkle some dashi stock into the water before waiting for it to come to a boil.

Before you can grab another pan, two familiar arms wrap around your waist and pull you close. You blink, trying to turn your head around but you're interrupted when Gojo buries his face in the crook of your neck, letting out a deep sigh.

You laugh as you feel his warm breath against your skin. "Good morning."

"Morning," he mumbles into your skin, taking a deep breath as he does so. "Smells good."

You frown. "I haven't even added the miso yet."

He laughs, the rumble from his chest spreading to your back as he tilts his head, placing his cheek against your shoulder as he looks up at you. "I'm talking about you."

Warmth spreads over your cheeks to the tip of your ears as you look down at him, and a grin spreads on his face as he smiles at you with sleepy eyes. His eyelashes flutter against pools of clear blue as he winks, and you bite your lip before looking away.

"Miso and fish is almost ready, do you wanna get the eggs?" You purposefully try and ignore him, grateful that you're facing away so that he can't see the full shade of red that's blossoming on your face.

"Sure," he yawns as he lets go, making his way to the fridge and raking his hand through his hair as he goes to grab eggs. "Sweet or salty?"

"Sweet, please."



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