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"What the hell is going on here..." Satoru spoke. He did not move from his place even for a moment. His face is angry, but also with a pinch of misunderstanding, of confusion, of fear in it

But what can the strongest person be afraid of? He is the strongest after all! It's not like anything could hurt him. He can defeat anything, can't he? He knows it's true.. He knows he's the strongest. But he saw it coming. He knew it was coming, but denied it. The thing that can hurt an invulnerable person is to hurt the most important things to him. An indirect hit hurts more. He knows.

"It's been hundreds of years since I took over a human body as my vessel." He heard sukuna speak. The voice didn't even match the look. It was undeniable, it's not you anymore. It is an entity. It is sukuna, which is inside your body.

"I asked what's going on here." Satoru repeated himself, but Sukuna only laughed in response. "What does it look like to you?"

"It's going to be great." An evil grin crossed his face. Even Satoru couldn't think what the King of Curses was planning, but he knew that whatever it was, it wasn't good.

And in a second he disappeared from Satoru's field of vision. And after a moment he appeared back in front of his eyes. Closer, with an arm raised in the air. Almost landing on Satoru's face. But he also reacted quickly, changing his direction and standing behind him. Sukuna's arm hit the floor, and he hissed.

He tried again, and again, and again to hit him, but Satoru kept dodging. Despite all this, Satoru didn't dare hit sukuna back, even though he could have.

"The cult leader didn't laugh. He's really strong.... Wait, no. I'm just weak." He muttered to himself, you could see he was angry. He didn't like being weak, especially not to people like Satoru.

"So suguru really was behind all of this." Satoru appeared in front of Sukuna and knocked him back hard, though as he expected, it didn't affect the King of Curses that much.
"What did he offer you. What could he possibly offer the king of curses to make you team up with him."

"And why should I tell an ass face like you? God, you're just annoying!" Another failed attempt by sukuna to punch Satoru in the face, because he immediately caught it. But Satoru didn't respond, what does he even have to say in a situation like this? Get down on your knees and beg? No!

"What can he offer that the king of curses doesn't? Of money? gold? women? Food?"

"He told me about you, jujutsu Sorcerers. You are always a pain in the ass, at any time period! But I heard that there is someone who is considered the strongest person. you. I want to destroy you. Kill you. Do it while I control the body of the woman you love. I want to hear the cry of the woman inside the abyss as I kill you. Torn you from limb to limb as she screams from the inside to stop. I can hear her voice, She is crying right now."

Gojo gritted his teeth and took one step back with his right leg to prepare him to fight if necessary. He didn't want to do it, at all. He didn't know if there was any way to get Sukona out of your body without taking risks on your physical condition.

"What do you get out of this?" Satoru asked him. A stupid and unnecessary question and they both knew it. After all, does the king of curses need a justified reason to kill? He does it anyway without considering anyone's feelings.

Sukuna laughed. 'I don't need a reason to kill. I kill when I want to kill. I eat when I want to eat. The people are under my control, the laws are under my control. I don't have to give an account of my actions. I am the king of curses..."

".....but.. right now I'm still weak. Right now not everything is still under my control. That's why I agreed to work with the cult leader. He has the location of the rest of my 19 fingers. When I kill the woman and you, he will give me what I want. Then no one will be able to stop me. Like in the good old days."

of course. Satoru thought about this idea. But the very fact that the geto had such a huge card up his sleeve was something that, even for him, was hard to imagine.

"Now... let's get this over with. Stand nice and tall and let me kill you. I'm not in the mood for games."

No. Satoru won't give in to anything geto and sukuna want. Today no one will die. He will make sure of it.

He's the strongest, isn't he?

He tried to think of a way. A way to defeat sukuna without damaging your body. He'd hate to make a hair fall out of your head, so blood? He refuses. He is not ready to fight. But a war of evasion on the one hand and attack on the other will take forever and exhaust them both at some point. He can't risk that, especially not when sukuna can just run off again. And then he'd lose you for the second time.

He will have to get you back in control of your body. This war is not Gojo's against Sukuna, but your inner war against Sukuna. Whose is stronger? Who will win, the soul or the body? All Satoru can do is buy you time. Keep sukuna busy while you take control of your body back, so—

"A message from the higher ups! Must execute
Y/N right now under any circumstances! She is under sukuna's control! Must kill Y/N!"

Just as he thought he could save you, it happened. The message is heard loudly to all the people who are fighting here. Must kill Y/N.


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