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"Sorry I'm late." Kyoko slides into the seat in the cafe in front of you, hair swept in a mess as she zooms in.

Kyoko is your friend, a one you knew since childhood

"Don't worry about it, I already ordered for you anyways." You smile, putting your phone down as she slumps back in her chair, letting out a deep breath. It's been ages since the two of you last got brunch together, and conflicting work schedules didn't help when it came to making plans. After graduating from medical school, your old tradition had slowly morphed from end-of-the-week brunch to end-of-the-month meals, and inevitably into whenever-we're-not-both-dead-reunions.

"You're an angel, I don't think I can even read right now." She lets out a groan, rubbing her eyes as she rests them for a second. She's wearing a wrinkled hoodie over her scrubs, clearly having rushed over after just finishing a long shift.

"Tough shift?"

"You don't even know. Some guy came in with a whole candle shoved up his butt. We had to get him into surgery and dilate his asshole to remove it."

You snort as she explains how he had waddled into the emergency room, too scared to go to the bathroom or even take a seat. "...Was it lit before he put it in?"

"Yep." She pops the "p" at the end in exaggeration, sighing as she slides a hand down the side of her face. Heavy bags weigh under her eyes, colored with dark circles as she shrugs. "I mean, no judgement, you do you, but lighting the wick? The fuck did he want to do with that candle once it got in? Light his asshole on fire?"

You return her shrug with your own, letting out a small laugh. "I mean, if he's into that."

She gives you a thousand-yard stare, and your snicker quickly turns into a small frown as her gaze seemingly looks straight through you into oblivion. "...Are you sure you don't want to just go home and get some sleep? You kind of look like... shit."

"Thanks. And you, infuriatingly... don't." She scans your face and arms, mustering up the energy to give you a smile. "I'm glad you're feeling better. But as much as I'd love to go home and collapse, it's been too long since we got brunch together." The smile on her face widens as she leans forward against the table, putting her chin on her hand. "I think I can sacrifice some shut-eye for that."

"Aww, I love you too babe." You wave her off as she gives you a tired laugh. "But seriously, take care of yourself. I don't want you to go and collapse in front of my pancakes."

As if on cue, food arrives at the table and you grin as Kyoko jumps up in her seat in excitement, smiling like a kid opening their present on Christmas Day. "Oh thank god, I'm starving. An omelette with caramelized onions and potatoes? Girl, you know me so well." She places her hand on her chest in mock surprise, glinting gemstone on her ring finger finally catching your eye.

Love again- gojo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now