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Satoru doesn't wear blue that much.

His clothes tend to be limited to neutral colors -- blacks, whites and soft earth tones that contrast nicely against the dark shades he always wears. You've made fun of his wardrobe palette plenty of times ever since his clothes started invading your closet, though he was quick to point out that your clothes aren't exactly on the colorful side, either.

(At this point, the only thing that keeps you two from accidentally wearing each other's clothes is the fact that Satoru is a whole 3 sizes larger.)

...Light blue wouldn't be a bad color to add to your clothes, when you think about it. Purple, too. Maybe it's the way the colors are reflecting off of his face, soft hues shining off his cheeks and finding its way through his hair. A rainbow of colors from the exhibit glow on his face, filtering it past until it reaches the glass wall behind him.

"Are you scared?"

You blink as he takes a second to respond to your question, his eyes glued to the sea of colors that dance below. He's quieter than normal today, usual quips and jokes replaced with thoughtful silence as he gazes down at the flickering ocean of colors.

"Nah, of course not." He stares down to the floor, at the glass deck that keeps the two of you suspended above a glowing sea of shining jellyfish. Gradient lights from the ceiling illuminate the giant tank, changing the steady glow of light blue into a psychedelic hue of constantly changing colors. "Are you?"

You shrug. "Nope. Was just thinking about how badly it'd hurt if you fell in."

He jumps on the deck, and you flinch as the plexiglass vibrates beneath your feet.

"Come on. Can you imagine getting stung that many times?" He snickers as you quickly start rushing him off the desk, afraid that he might become a bit too curious about a tank filled with jellyfish.

"I'd rather not, thanks. Pushing that one to the top of my 'worst ways to die' list." You start tugging him over to the much cuter and safer penguin exhibit.

"What's the worst one?"

You balk at his question, giving him a look of surprise. You're both in the middle of the aquarium on a busy Saturday afternoon, and you don't exactly want to traumatize the kids that are busy ooh-ing and aah- ing at the penguins. "...You seriously wanna know?

He shrugs, eyebrows wiggling as he eggs you on. "Why not? Come on, I wanna hear."

It's a simple question, really, though you don't want to get too deep into it. You frown, kneeling down in front of the water tank to watch as a penguin floats by. "I guess... burning to death. Unfortunately, the human body makes for pretty great fire starting material."

"Pfft, basic."

"Oh really ?" You tilt your head upwards, putting a hand on the side of your face as you challenge him. "What's yours, then?"

"Mine? Hm..."

Satoru shoves his hands into his jacket pockets as he looks off into the exhibit, lost in thought. A part of you has a feeling that you know the answer already -- which is "nothing" -- purely because of his cocky and untouchable nature that makes it seem like he can get away with anything. Which he kind of can because he, quote, "doesn't exactly plan on dying".

"Getting stabbed in the head, I think."

Your jaw drops at its inherent violence and simplicity. "Getting stabbed in the head? And you call me basic?"

"Hey, don't look at me like that. It's scary, you know?" He pouts a bit, kneeling down to join you at watching penguins.

"Mmm. I guess I didn't expect you to choose something so... violent." You let out a loud sigh, smiling a bit as you watch one penguin help the other preen its back. "I thought you would say something like getting your brain controlled when machines take over the world, or roaming black holes."

He laughs, running a hand through his hair as he considers your words. "To be fair, those are pretty scary."

There's a noticeable halt in his voice, and you turn towards him, prepared to change the topic when he suddenly resumes.

"I guess it's just the permanence of it. If someone gets shot in the head and dies, it's not like you can save them or bring them back."

Your gaze freezes as he speaks, fixated on the way he's gazing into space. You can't see anything past those absurdly dark sunglasses, but just the way his lips are pursed a little bit more than usual helps you understand that something's different.

You clear your throat a bit, focusing on your shoes as he remains silent. He jumps a bit as your fingers ghost over the back of his palm, but still, he says nothing. "Did something happen?"

A breath escapes his mouth as he lets out a sigh. "Kind of." He ruffles his hair awkwardly. "It was a long time ago."

You take his hand in yours, rubbing comforting circles in the back of his hand as he flinches a bit at the sensation. Like a startled cat. "If it makes you feel any better, getting shot in the head doesn't always mean certain death."

That gets a reaction out of him. "Seriously?"

"Yeah. I mean, it depends on a bunch of stuff like location, size, and speed, but there are people who can survive and get away without any major physiological issues." You hum, tapping a finger against your chin as you consider the possibilities. "The body can be pretty resilient." It's not like you've ever witnessed a successful recovery in person yourself, though.

He grins, face leaning in closer to yours. "But not when it comes to fire, huh."

You blanch, leaning away. "Ugh. Not when it comes to fire."

"Excuse me..."

You suddenly turn around, surprised by the feeling of somebody tapping on your shoulder. It's an older middle aged woman, sheepishly trying to get your attention as her young son clings onto her leg, tears brimming around his eyes. "Do you think you could quiet down a bit...?"

"Oh. Oh my goodness." You rocket back up to your feet, quickly bowing in apology. "I'm so sorry about that-- Hey, stop laughing!" 

You stamp on his foot, and he only laughs louder.

Holy shit. You want to crawl into a very deep hole somewhere and die. You finish your fervent apologies to the mother, covering your face in embarrassment as Satoru finally stands up and swings his arm around your shoulder.

He whistles, rubbing your shoulder as you grumble out curses. "So... wanna get tapioca?"



"So Mari are you not gonna talk about the smut chapter you did—"

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