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He stares at your body on the ground. You are so lifeless. He doesn't comprehend that you are gone.

Then, it hits him. Satoru has never felt a greater pain.

He crouches down to where your body lies, where he buries his face in your chest. He should've told you how much you meant to him. He should've told you that he loves her and that she is his family, and he can't lose more family.

How can he fix this?

Satoru doesn't say another word. He clenches his jaw in anger, squeezing his eyes shut. He pushes himself up from her cold body and inhales a sharp, deep breath to compel his composure.

However, he doesn't work. For the very first time in his life, Satoru's lips tremble and he cries. Satoru wipes his tears and forces his palms into his eyes, but that makes it worse. He hates crying, crying is for the weak and immature and he isn't weak.

But right now, he feels weak. He can't save the people he loves most. All he does is be strong, so why is he crying over her dead body? Why is she dead? He shakes her and she doesn't respond. He talks to her and she doesn't move.

"I'm sorry," he whispers, feeling every single emotion he can't. He grips the sheets that cover her body and clenches his jaw, "I'm really sorry, Y/N."

After protecting you for so long, he was the one who has to take your life.

And he hated himself deeply for that.

Sorry for the lacks of updates, the most of you already know the reason to it.
I gathered the last few months to write every day even a tiny bit to give you all the ending you guys waited for.
I'm sorry, I know it's not the best. It was rushed.

There is an epilogue that I'm planning to write.
Please stay tuned.

(I took it down due to hate but decided to publish it again, the previous hate comments got deleted and any other hate comment will be deleted as well.)

Love again- gojo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now