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CW: slight nsfw✧༺♥༻∞

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CW: slight nsfw

"I'm so sorry." It takes longer than normal for the sentence to come out. Japanese is hard.

"You know the more you apologize, the more I'm just going to make fun of you for it later."

"Well, fine. But I'm only giving you permission to post videos of me on Snapchat, not Instagram."

"Now you're just giving me more ideas. You good?"

You stare at the stairs in front of you that leads towards your apartment, and then turn to Gojo to give him a big nod. "I can do it."

There must have been something weird with the way you nodded your head, because Gojo turns away for a second to stifle his laughter. Even with how cloudy your mind feels, you can still tell that he's laughing by the way his shoulders are shaking.

"Haha, yes, very funny. I am a master comedian-- oh okay!" Your voice raises an octave as he slings you over his shoulders like a bag of rice, one arm looping between your legs to grab onto your arm.

Wow, fireman carry. "Not taking any chances, huh?"

He doesn't even grunt as he carries you up the stairs, balancing you on his shoulders with just one arm while unlocking the apartment door with the other. "Nah. Though honestly, if I didn't know you, I actually wouldn't think you were drunk."

That surprises you. Are you not normally this carefree? You're pretty high up from the way Gojo is holding you (tall-ass idiot), so you take the chance to look down his back and see how far away the ground is than normal.

You also see his ass. A very nice ass, if you do say so yourself. You reach out your free arm to slap a buttcheek.

Instantly, Gojo stops in his tracks and you can feel the muscles in his back tense up.

"...So that's how you're gonna do this, huh?"


He doesn't even bother turning on the living room lights as he enters, locking the door behind you and carrying you straight to the bedroom.

Hah, Kyoko was wrong -- you didn't need Victoria's Secret to get laid. Get that 9000 yen shit outta here.

He rolls you off his shoulders onto the bed, and you tug at his shirt collar as you lie down until your lips meet his. It's an awkward position and he lets out a grunt as your teeth clack together, but a little bit of adjusting and tilting your head puts Gojo right where you want him.

You smile against his lips, tongue dancing against his as your hands move down to slide up under his shirt. He still tastes like beer, but there's this sweet yet savoury hint you can't help but notice as well. You're just about to slide your hands up his abs when he grabs your wrist, holding it still with a groan.

Fuck, you want him to make that sound again. You whine as his lips leave yours, fixating on the string of saliva between the two of you as he pulls away.

Gojo slides off the bed, letting go of your wrist as he lets out a huff. "Alright, that's enough. You need to get some rest."

"Wait, don't leave. " You frown, grabbing his forearm and pulling him back.

He sighs, running a free hand through his hair as he looks at you with hooded eyes. "I'm just going to be in the living room until you're sober. Get some sleep." He starts to pull away again, but you tug against him and sit up.

"Satoru." There's an obvious bulge in his pants. You'd be blind to not notice it.

He pauses for a second, and you take his hesitation as a chance to yank him back down onto the bed with you. He yelps mid-sentence, and finally you straddle his hips, hands on his chest as you look down at him with a grin.

"Come on, Satoru." You slide your hands under his shirt, lifting it up to his chin.

"Whoa mama, dabadee dabadoo..." God, you've wanted to do this ever since you saw him shirtless.

You slide your hands up his abs, savoring the feeling of his twitching muscles beneath you as you focus on his face. It's tinted a beautiful shade of red, a slight blush painted across his cheeks as he stares up at you, sapphire eyes peering at you through snowy eyelashes. And then he lets out the sexiest groan on earth as your thumb rubs circles around his nipple.

"Fuck. Okay, no." He grunts, using a leg to sweep you off your knees and back onto the bed.

You're about to protest, heat between your legs becoming extremely unbearable when he grabs the blanket on the other side of the bed and rolls you into it.

"Satoru, what the hell--" You reach out to stop him, only to realize that he's swaddled you in the middle of the bed in a tight cocoon. You squirm around, trying to move your arms, only to succeed in flopping around like a fish on land.

"Hey, that works pretty well." Satoru smiles as he looks down at you, arms crossed. "Alright, now it's time for you to get some sleep. Night night!"

"Satoru...!" You flop around some more, trying to at least get your arms or legs free from the tight bind of the blankets, but to no avail as he turns around and leaves, shutting the bedroom door.

You groan, burying your face into a pillowcase just as you hear him let out a loud sigh from behind the door.

Maybe you do need Victoria's Secret.


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