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"I'm going on a mission"

Your face was blank. What? Mission? What does mission mean?? Shaking your head, you thought you might have heard him wrong.

"I have to go on a mission, there's something I need to take care of." Gojo held your hands, his eyes were full of love.
"We said we would open everything up to each other. I don't want to lie to you that I have to disappear without reason or explanation. I won't be here for several weeks."

You sighed, and after a short internalization you nodded your head. "I understand.. your job is not easy.. but isn't it something someone else can do? Maybe one of your students?"

"No... unfortunately it's a case of special grade curse. Not many can fight them so they call me. But hey, we can still talk. I believe I shall have free time to enable me to communicate with you during the day or night."

You smiled a little. Gojo's hand moved to your cheek, and you lean into his touch. His body heat helped you relax a bit. "Okay, I guess it will also give me time to focus a little more on my work. I didn't have the time to tell you but they want to promote me. send me to a more advanced medical school so that I can become a real doctor there. Like a real surgeon and everything... a life saver."

"Hey that's great!" Gojo cheered. 'Now we can both be life savers in our own way. I'm in combat and you're in healing.'
You laughed at his reaction. He was not wrong.
"Good luck with your mission Satoru. Text me when you're free, okay?"

With that Gojo left your apartment, you didn't feel sad. You are right, it is a suitable time to concentrate on your studies to advance in your job.

The next day is fast approaching, and you have already prepared yourself for your first day on the journey of obtaining a medical degree. For you it was like a dream come true. You couldn't even relax.


You closed your phone, ignoring the typos you accidentally made as a result of typing quickly. You finished getting organized, took your bag and quickly left your apartment.

And the rest of the day flied by. This is what the first day was for everyone and not only you, you were not burdened with material to study and homework. It was the majority to get to know your sensei, the class, and the basis of the material, even though you knew the majority because you had prior medical experience.

When the day ended, it was already 6 in the evening. You felt your stomach rumbling - begging for food, since the only thing you put in your mouth today was the cracker you took before you left. You didn't feel like buying something from Seven Eleven, or buying yourself junk Food. You are aware that it is not healthy, so if you can spare yourself the damage then why not?

You decided to go to the nearest supermarket and buy yourself some groceries to prepare a small dinner for yourself. You had some money, so there was no problem

You took some vegetables, mushrooms and teriyaki sauce that you already ran out of at home because you used it so much. You didn't plan to prepare too much for yourself. Just stir-fried vegetables with mushrooms and teriyaki sauce.

"I can't.... reach!..." You almost cried from anger, tiptoeing and still couldn't reach the box of enoki mushrooms. Who even put it that high?? The employees in the store did not look past you, nor did you feel comfortable asking for help. You thought about climbing something, but the thought of accidentally dropping or breaking a shelf crossed your mind, and you immediately tried to think of another way to get to your oh so precious mushrooms.

"Need help?" A voice behind you spoke, you immediately turned around and saw a man. Looks like he's about six feet tall. He looked nice, and it was also nice of him to offer help to a stranger who really wanted to get to her meal.

"Yes please, I can't get the mushrooms up. I don't know what they're even doing up there. It's on the way, it's on the middle shelf!" You sigh. You felt grateful to the stranger who offered you help

"Weird huh?" he responded with a small smile on his face. Without an effort he took the mushrooms that were on top and handed them right into your hands.

"Thank you so much, you don't know how much you've helped me now." You smiled at him and threw the mushrooms into your cart.

"of course. Do you need anything else?' he asked. You were shocked at how nice the man was. Usually when you needed help from a human who wasn't Satoru, he just chuckled and moved on, or just ignored and acted like he didn't hear anything. "No, no thanks!"

"So? What's your name?" The strange male asked you again, even though you didn't need any more help he still walked with you in the small supermarket.

"Oh, my name is Y/N. Sorry I forgot to introduce myself." You smiled to yourself, while taking the teriyaki sauce into the cart. "And what's your name?"

"Suguru geto."

Update: I'm sorry, I don't know when the next chapter will be released. I do not have time for it right now, if u know or don't- I'm Palestinian, and the situation in Gaza is scary. We evacuated from home and we are in a bad condition.

This was such a terrible chapter, but needs to get going with the story.
Hello suguru😈

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