Chapter 21-30

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Chapter 21

When Haozi and Mozi caught up with Zhan Siyu, they saw the boss striking zombies again, which was so handsome.

While the two were envious, they also despised their own powers and didn't know when they would be able to use them.

But Zhan Siyu looked at the zombies lying thoughtfully, and then said, "You two, see if there is anything in their brains, it's almost as big as a marble."

After hearing what the boss said, Haozi and Mozi silently put on masks and gloves and began to feed the zombies.

After a while, Mozi finally found a bead the size of a marble. It was still transparent, but a little turbid.

"Boss, do you see this?"

Zhan Siyu took out a bottle of mineral water. After rinsing it, he saw that it was indeed a crystal nucleus, and it was newly formed and very small.

"This is it. This kind of transparent crystal core is suitable for everyone to practice. Colored crystal cores require equivalent powers. Moreover, this crystal core has just been formed. Can you find one at the first level?"

"I've looked at everything over there, but there's only one." Then he turned around and asked Haozi, "Did you gain anything over there?"

Haozi was so disgusted that he said aggrievedly: "There's nothing, it's just soy milk. I'm going to vomit for a while." After that, he ran to the side and started vomiting.

Zhan Siyu looked at the crystal core in his hand and thought that the zombies were starting to advance now. It seemed that many things were going to deviate from the track.

After Haozi finished vomiting, Zhan Siyu walked to a place where no one was around and took out the jeep. "Let's go, time is running out. It's best to drive overnight. The three of us will drive alternately."

Haozi and Mozi saw their boss's expression was very heavy, and it seemed that something they didn't know was about to happen.

Just like that, the three of them started heading south quickly.

When Nan Xiangwan and his brother went out to search for supplies that day, they finally met He Ming and his team head-on. It was only at this time that he remembered that no wonder the voice sounded familiar before. It turned out that he was an old acquaintance, and he was also the most sinister person back then. , It's really a narrow road between enemies.

After all, this man was the one who made the plans for her and her brother's death in the previous life. His wind power was not as powerful as hers, so he wanted to take it for himself.

If she had known it was them that night, she would not have taken action. She was really short-handed. However, when she thought that her enemies were dead at once, revenge would be meaningless. She had plenty of time to play with them slowly in this life, so she was not in a hurry.

It was only today that the five of them, He Ming, saw the true face of their siblings. Seeing how clean they were, and then looking at their own embarrassment, they suddenly felt embarrassed. Especially when they saw Nan Xiangwan, He Ming had some thoughts. .

So He Ming walked forward and said, "Hello, nice to meet you."

Nan Xiangwan didn't speak, just nodded. Only Nan Haochen said sheepishly: "Hello, my sister is not used to contact with strangers, please forgive me." After saying that, I still thought, my sister is really pretending. Good b, I admire it.

Nan Xiangwan: What are you pretending to be? She just doesn't want to talk to anyone.

He Ming was not embarrassed after hearing this. After all, his strength was there. Then he smiled and said, "It's okay. I understand. We all lived in a villa area before. We have seen you kill zombies. You are very good."

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