Chapter 41-50

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Chapter 41

"Sister, please help me take revenge. I, I have superpowers and can help you." He only found out this after he had a fever.

Nan Xiangwan didn't expect that this little guy would actually activate his powers. It seemed that he saved people in vain.

"Okay, sister will help you get revenge now."

"Thank you." Then he fainted.

"Wang Meng, take him to the car and take care of him."

"Okay, give it to me."

Zhan Siyu also listened to the conversation just now. Unexpectedly, this group of people actually started

"A-Zhan, send these scumbags to have tea with the King of Hell."

"Hey, what do you want to do? Forget it if you don't want to compensate us, we just leave."

The other refugees also thought so, because when the children woke up, what they had done was revealed. After they figured it out, they turned around and ran away without further ado.

"I want to run away, but it's too late. Hit me."

Nan Xiangwan was the first to shoot and kill one person, and the others followed closely after seeing them. Many people who had just come out were killed.

"Azhan, take people to see if there are any scum left. If there are any extra supplies, take them away. Grasshoppers are still meat even when they are young."

"Okay, I'll take someone to see it. You can just look at the car here."

"Well, hurry up, the gunfire just now was loud, I'm afraid it will attract other zombies."

"Okay, we'll get it done right away."

Then Zhan Siyu took a few people to the village.

Nan Xiangwan pulled her younger brother into the car, then found a pair of clean children's clothes from the space, took the medical kit, and then got out of the car and went to the back.

"Brother Meng, wait until Zhang Le comes back and ask him to clean the child and apply medicine to the injuries. Especially Brother Xiao Wu. When you recover, you can continue to treat the child. It is a ready-made experimental product, and this child If you have special powers, you must treat them well, otherwise your efforts will be in vain."

"Okay, we get it."

"Well, these are clean clothes and a medical kit. They will be given to Brother Xiaowu from now on. You need to be a more diligent nanny, you know?"

Wu Zhi scratched his head in embarrassment. He could only deal with the basics, and then asked: "Do you have any books on treatment? Anyway, I am idle on the road. I can learn more."

"I really don't know this, but I did raid two bookstores. I'll ask Haochen to look for them later."

"Okay, thank you Sister Nan."

"I told you, call me Anan from now on."

"Yes, yes, I remember."

"Well, I'll leave the child to you. If you need anything, just call through the intercom. We'll talk about the rest after we find a place to rest at night."


Nan Xiangwan returned to his co-pilot after explaining the good things, and soon Zhan Siyu came back with his people.

After everyone got in the car, she asked, "How was it?"

"Oh, it's an absolute hell on earth. When we went there, there was an arm boiling in the pot. Others vomited at that time. Then I checked their supplies and found that there was a lot of food but not much other things. We will come back only after all the people guarding the house are cleared."

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