Chapter 51-60

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Chapter 51

"Okay, you go and wash up, and then eat. After dinner, I have something else to discuss with you."

"Okay, I'll go now."

Zhan Siyu didn't talk nonsense at all. He got up and went to the bathroom. He cleaned himself up before walking out.

Then Lu Yao stared at the delicacies created by Zhan Siyu with big eyes. He smelled the food and wanted to ask. He swallowed silently. It wasn't that she was hopeless, it was because she hadn't eaten anything normal in a year. She had no food, so she could only be said to be lucky to be alive to this day.

When Nan Xiangwan saw Lu Yao sitting there obediently and not moving, he felt distressed and immediately said, "Come over for dinner, and you haven't seen anything, right?"

"Hmm, I don't know anything, but can I really eat this?"

"Well, eat it, the steamed buns will satisfy you."

Then the three of them ate their dinner slowly. After finishing the meal, Nan Xiangwan said to Zhan Siyu, "While you were away today, a group of people came, and there were quite a few of them."

"Isn't this normal?"

"I didn't say it was abnormal. The key point is that the dog man and woman leading the team today are my enemies. What do you think?"

Zhan Siyu didn't expect that she would have enemies? Dog man and woman? It's not what he thinks, is it?

If Nan Xiangwan knew that the boss was so clever, he would be furious.

"Why aren't you talking? What are you thinking about?"

"I'm wondering if you want to kill someone or not."

"That's what you think. A ready-made scapegoat, a dog-eat-dog fight between two parties. Isn't it great?"

"If you want to, then do it!" Anyway, he didn't lose anything. As long as the little woman was happy, it was enough to live here for a few days. He originally thought of waiting for them to come to his door, but the plan couldn't keep up with the change.

In fact, it's not that people don't look for trouble. It's because Nan Xiangwan painted herself too ugly, otherwise she would have been sent to the top by the people below.

"In this case, we will continue as usual tonight. The base commander must be killed, and then we can collect the weapons and leave. As for the supplies, we can collect as much as we can, but we can't take them all. There are still many survivors here."

"Okay, I'll listen to you and take action at night."

"Yeah, but you have to be careful when you go out tonight. After all, among the new arrivals, there is no guarantee that there will be superpowers without psychic powers."

"Okay, you guys rest first. I'll go out to find someone. If nothing else happens, I will take a person with powers with me."

"Well, be safe."

After Zhan Siyu went out, he went to Tang Ming's room. At this time, Tang Ming was chewing bread and ham bitterly. When he heard a knock on the door, he asked impatiently: "Who is it?"


"Come here, why are you here in your spare time? Are you not staying with your wife?"

Zhan Siyu closed the door of the room and then said, "I need to see you if I need anything. We will evacuate here tonight. Do you want to come with us?"

"What did you say? Where are you going?"

"Let me introduce myself again, Zhan Siyu, the future base commander of Zhannan Base. There are currently a dozen people in the team, all of whom are superpowers. Do you want to consider it?"

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