Carina and Londyn's day out !

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Sunday April 5 th

8h37 am

**Carina is still asleep next to her wife , she assumes it's not even five in the morning, because Maya is still asleep. She then turns around, she's now facing the closet doors and she looks at her alarm clock it reads 8h37 am. ! Carina is silently enjoying this extra cuddles with her wife. Today everyone will receive their avocados stuffies ! Little footsteps could be heard coming in the master bedroom... Carina opens her eyes **

Londyn : ohhh good morning momma!!
Carina: good morning sunshine!! How are you doing today?
Londyn : I'm doing good thank you, I'm hungry!
Carina: hrmmm , yea? What would you love to eat this morning?
Londyn : hrmmmn your delicious French toast please please.

**Carina laughed and got out of bed, following her daughter, holding her little hand in her hand and getting downstairs and started making her French toast **

Londyn : can we have a momma and me day today please please, we never do anything just you and me.

** she looks at her momma with puppy dog eyes , she knows she's irresistible. Maya woke up and came downstairs she heard their conversation **

Maya: good morning my beautiful wife and beautiful daughter.

Carina ; ohhh good morning babe
Maya: good morning my love!

** they both kissed each other **

Londyn : please please momma can we have a momma and me date ! I know what we could do!
Maya: babe, she wants to spend the day with you and I think it's a wonderful idea.
Carina: okay but what about everyone else?
Maya: it's fine my parents are here to help remember you go have a fun day with Londyn!
Londyn ; plus I the only one up momma!
Carina: okay fine but we eat the French toast I just made

** thirty minutes later Carina and Londyn are both ready for their day out together, first stop is American Girl Store , the dip and dots Ice cream and Londyn wanted to finish the day off with watching herself being born ! She's just like her siblings, she loves seeing herself as a tiny little baby, Carina obviously agree to everything **

9h39 am
Carina: okay baby it's time to wake up , we're at the American girl store !

** Londyn had fallen asleep in the car , but she woke up as soon as she heard her momma say they were there**

Londyn : yayyyy we here, I'm sooo excited momma!
Carina: yea ? Me too, me too, you are right it's fun having one on one time huh?
Londyn ; siiii , Silly question but why is my seat still facing the back seat ? I'm a big girl now momma! I should be facing forward no?
Carina: yes you are a big girl, but it's for your safety when we are driving, don't worry you will be facing the windows soon! Not yet okay?
Londyn : okay i understand. Ouhhhh so many American Girls to choose from... hrmmm !
Carina : yea, but don't worry we're not in a hurry, and the store just opened .
Londyn : okay perfect!!

Back to Carina and Londyn
10h17 am
Carina: okay baby girl, I will buy you one OFFICIAL AMERICAN GIRL DOLL , the big ones like Violet, Scarlett and Chloe have a t home , and one accessory that goes with the doll okay?
Londyn : alright thank you momma!! Hrmmm now which one should I choose??!
Carina: well Violet and Scarlett have the twin American girls Niki and Isabelle
Londyn : okay so I take a different one, just for me and then I'll be able to play with my sisters...
Carina: that's a wonderful idea, I don't remember which one Chloe chose though, but let me know when you see the one you want and momma will get it down for you.
Londyn : okay perfect thank you momma.
Carina: it's my pleasure, I'm having lots and lots of fun time with you.
Londyn: me too momma, ouhhh okay I finally decided on a doll momma!
Carina: okay good, which one do you want?
Londyn : I want the cooking doll with her purple outfit please, and I also love this green outfit!
Carina: okay this doll ?
Londyn : yes momma ,  and the kitchen set please please momma?
Carina: this one?

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