Londyn's fourth birthday 🥳

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Monday JULY 29 th 2023

today is Londyn's FOURTH BIRTHDAY!!!

** Carina woke up early and made her baby girl birthday breakfast, she wanted her momma's famous French toasts and whipped cream with sprinkles on top, therefore Carina did just that! Everyone was up and celebrating their sister , Carina and Maya both decided to celebrate her birthday with her friends as well .. so her party officially starts at 13h -17 h ! She will be turning four with her friends and family at 15h19 , instead of doing two different parties**

7h38 am

Carina: happy birthday dear , Londyn , happy birthday to you... ohhh my precious miracle of a baby !! I love youuu so much!! ** She gave her daughter kisses on her neck .... ***

Maya: happy birthday baby girl!!! Ohhhh you're growing up so fast!
The kids: happy birthday to you Londyn !!!! I hope youuu have a fantastic day!
Londyn : ohhh i sure will , everyone coming over here right moms? Thank you everyone...
Carina: everyone yea , except auntie Andy...
Londyn : awnnn why momma?
Carina: because she had her little babies six days ago! And she is still in the hospital... remember?
Londyn : ohhhh right , can i call her please momma ! I want to tell her that today is my birthday!!!

Carina : you sure can baby girl! Here's the phone!

** she handed her phone to Londyn , she wanted to FaceTime **

Andy : helllo ?
Londyn : hiiii auntie Andy ! It me Londyn !
Andy : ohhhh hiiii Londyn how's it going today?
Londyn : oh my day is going well so far, I had birthday French toast with whipped cream and sprinkles on top !
Andy : you did ! Woah that's amazing!
Londyn : yea , is there any thing you want to say to me?
Andy : hrmmm !

** she looks at the phone and she knew Londyn was getting upset so she quickly stopped messing around **

Yesss there is !
Londhn : okay I listening!
Andy and James : happy birthday to you, happy birthday, happy birthday dear Londyn , happy birthday to youuuuuuu ! We love you soooooo much!
Londyn : yayyyyy , thank you for singing!
Andy : we're sorry we can't be there for your party today, but auntie Andy had her babies six days ago... and I still have to stay here for a while...
Londyn : yea I know, momma told me about that, congratulations on the babies ! They are really really tiny huh?
Andy and James : thank youuu, yea they are, but they are very strong..!! Don't worry we bought you a birthday gift , we're going to stop by and bring it to you when we can okay?
Londyn : yayyyy well thank you for that, I love you all so much! Guess what?
Andy : what ?
Londyn : I'm going to go swimming with everyone today!!! And I'll be thinking about you and ask Jesus to keep your babies strong and healthy for you!!!
James : well that's really really sweet of you! How old are you now?

Londyn : ohhh I'm FOUR YEARS OLD TODAY! One more finger from being a FULL HAND OLD ! And I'm going to start pre school this year...
Andy : ohhhh woah !!!! That's pretty cool! Baby girl! Well auntie Andy gives you lots of love and kisses just for you ! Okay? Have fun today! Okay?
Londyn  : thank you, ouhhh wait I want to see your babies please!
Andy : I will send pictures to your moms! Because they are not here right now...
Londyn : ohhh okay, doctors are looking out for them huh?
Andy : yea that's right! You are pretty smart !
Londyn : yea I know! Like my moms! I'm so excited to go to school...
Andy ; you're going to have lots and lots of fun at pre school...
Londyn : okay... Love you auntie Andy, uncle James! Thank you for calling me on my birthday!!!

**Everyone laughed **

Andy : bye bye baby girl!! I miss you so much!
Londyn : bye bye auntie Andy, stay strong!

8h03 am

** Carina was getting ready for the day and little birthday girl was following her momma around! **

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