Will Carina need Surgery? Part one!

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Saturday August third 2023

7 h 39
Maya got everyone ready, and settled, the kids are going to spend two nights and days with Grandma and grandpa bishop! Carina woke up to say. Good bye to her kids , and that she's going to be better soon, and they love each and every single one of them , tremendously and equally!! She apologized again for cutting their camping trip shorter ! The kids all said it wasn't a big deal , coming back home earlier! They understood why !!

Carina: goodbye londyn!! Be nice to grandma and grandpa okay? We'll see you in two days!
Londyn : okay i will momma! Feel better soon, I love you soooo much !!
** she gave her momma a kiss and a hug and ran out the door and got into her seat in the large van - bus **

Maya: I'll be back home in twenty minutes! Can you stay here alone for a while?
Carina: okay, babe, don't worry I won't sit down until you come back home! But please drive safely and quickly too !
Maya: will do !

** she kisses her wife and grabbed her Hands and left to her parents house to drop off all of the twelve children and got back home immediately.... Fifteen minutes later , she heard Carina moaning and crying in the kitchen... she immediately ran into the kitchen to help . **

8h28 am
Maya: babe , I'm home!! I got you .
Carina: oh thank goodness you're back I can't wear anything.... Ahhhhhh ! ** she had her pyjamas tank top on and her underwear was slightly touching her swollen hips so she had to get naked from the waist down **

Maya: it's totally fine babe! I'll close the curtains in the living room so no one can see!!
Carina: okay thank you, I swear the neighborhood is going to think that I'm going into labour and about to give birth.... Cause of my screaming!
Maya: shhhhhhhh ! Come lay down on the couch with your cousions okay ? I'll massage everything from the waist down!
Carina: okay thank you!!! Ouhhhhhh !!! I am having post delivery flash backs from when I had Chloe, and The twins ohhhh my , it legit feels like I've had a second or third degree tear in my vagina and that Addie had to sow me back up through my butt hole ... it huuuuuuurts.... Ahhhhhh , do something to help please...
Maya: okay.
Carina: what did the pharmacist say Bambina?
Maya: she said that you can have some pain while doing most simple things like when sitting or leaning on the area around the tailbone
pain when standing up from a seated position
pain when standing for long periods
pain during bowel movements
pain in and around the tailbone during sex

**Carina whimpered **

Fuckkkkkkkkk !  We were supposed to have that sex encounter that we decided not to have in the camper because we were so close to the kids, and we didn't want to disturb them..... ouhhhhhhh !!

Maya: babe, it's okay.... We don't have to have sex until you get healed !
Carina: I'm sorry....
Maya: babe, I forgive you... it's not your fault,.. you were simply doing your job....

**Carina couldn't held back her tears **

This means I can't even go to the bathroom on my own ... I have to go pee so bad, like for hours, please help me get to the bathroom...
Maya: okay, let's go, I'll gladly help you and I'll get you a cold compress on your tailbone... okay, I'll be your doctor... and you are my very sexy and stunning patient...
Carina: okay!! Owwwwwwww ! I can't even pee on my own !!! Hold me up please...
Maya: yea, I've got you babe!
Don't worry!!

** three minutes later Maya helped Carina go to the bathroom... she asked her wife to check if she was bleeding... cause this can be extremely dangerous**

Carina: babe am I bleeding from my vagina or from my bottox !?
Maya: your not bleeding from your vagina... spread your butt cheeks for me .
Carina: okay!! 

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