What will Maya decide ?

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Friday April 8 th !

**Carina woke up with every one of her beautiful children as she was going to get ready for work. She loves seeing her beautiful TEN CHILDREN COMING DOWN THE STAIRS IN THE MORNING, while she holds the twin boys in her arms ! Maya is going to work from home. **

7h08 am

Rose : momma, guess what?
Carina: what honey pie?
Rose : we are learning about planets in school and I love it so much, would it be considered as SCIENCE?
Carina: planets , ohhh that's a fun thing to learn about, and yea I would consider planet learning to be in science class!
Rose : ouhhh you are a doctor momma? What kind of doctor?
Carina: yea I'm a doctor, I'm helping mothers who are pregnant, I help them bring their babies into the world.
Rose : ohhh that's so cool! What is your official title?
Carina: I'm an obgyn. But delivery of babies is fine too!  The original meaning of the word is obstetrics or obstetrician and the GYN stands for gynecology or gynaecologist , a physician who specializes in treating female reproductive conditions.

Rose : well that's a beautiful job , do you love your job momma?
Carina: I love it ! And it's a wonderful job.
Rose : what is mommy's job?
Carina: she's a nine one one operator! She helps people with emergencies on the phone!
Maya: yea and before that I was a firefighter.
Rose , Daisy , Dominico and Fredericko : wait what? Are you serious mommy?
Maya and Carina: yea she really really was!
Rose, Fredericko, Dominico and Daisy : then why did you quit being a firefighter?
Maya; well it's because momma was pregnant with Violet and Scarlett , and then it was too dangerous to keep doing that for our family.
R, D, F& D : Awnnn , well that's good that you stopped running into burning buildings for a living..
Maya: yea i know, although I'm not going to lie but I do miss being a firefighter sometimes.

Carina: what!

** as she almost spit out her morning coffee** Babe, you never told me about that.
Maya: it's fine, everyone get everything you need for school, do you have your lunches and homework back in your school bag ?
The kids: yea mommy

** EVERYONE IS HEADING TO SCHOOL and daycare londyn didn't want to go to daycare she wanted to stay home and play with her new siblings. Carina told her that they were all coming back home from school, they were going to be here forever... after a while Londyn was fine again.. ,Maya gave her wife multiple kisses and she reassured her that she loves being a nine one one operator for a living, it's obviously more safe for us and our beautiful children**

8h02 am

Carina: babe are you sure?
Maya: yea babe, I know it's obviously the best option for us and our family.
Carina: okay... thank you, I love you.
Maya: I love you too, have a good day at work my love.
Carina: okay, have a beautiful day too my love, I love you so much, to the moon and back, forever and always,
Maya: me too! To the moon and back, forever and always.

** Carina left the house to go to her clinic, Maya helped dozens of people in distress **

10h54 am
Carina was in between patients and she thought about what Maya said earlier this morning

I miss being a firefighter sometimes !

This sentence stayed with her throughout the whole entire day ,

She texted her wife :
Hi Bambina, how's your day? I hope youuu are having a wonderful day, I miss you so much, I've been thinking about what you said earlier this morning....

Maya replied
Hi my love, my day is going well, I miss you so much too, but I didn't want to put those feelings in your head babe,

Carina  texted back with

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