And then there were four more! 👦🏻👦🏼👧🏽👧🏼

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Tuesday April 7 th

9h00 am
The court room,

**Everyone is nicely dressed in formal attire,**

Judge : and miss DELUCA ? Are you going to be capable of Caring for those four additional children forever?
Carina. Yes

Judge: okay, what about your work? Won't you be too busy to be taking care of these four new children?
Carina: actually it won't be problem because I'm an excellent obgyn and I have my own clinic, I work from 7h am to 15 h and it's extremely close to the kids school...
Maya: and I'm a police officer, and I often work from home and it's been like this for three years now!
Don't worry they will be really really well taken care of...
Carina: and we believe that siblings should be adopted by the same people, which is what we want to do, we always knew we wanted a big family...
Judge: alright, seems logical,
**Silent moment in the courtroom **
Judge : okay well
Your son Logan is now going to be legally known as Fredericko Logan and Oliver is going to be known legally as Dominico Oliver,
Daisy is going to be legally known as Daisy Joy and Rose will be legally known as Rose Elizabeth . So congratulations on your four newest addition to your family!
Carina and Maya: thank youuu sir, have a beautiful day!
Judge: you too!

** The Deluca-Bishop Family all left the courthouse pretty happy, they were now forever complete as a family. Everyone heads back to their new van— bus type of car **

10h22 am

Daisy : so what do we do now moms?
Maya: uhhhh we're going back home.
Carina: yea and I just want to say that I'm very proud of you all, you were calm and very well behaved! Even though we had to wait a little bit in the beginning....
Maya: right, who's hungry?
Everyone: ohhh yessss we are mommy!
Carina: how about we go celebrate your adoption at a restaurant?
The kids: good idea !
Logan : so my new name os Fredericko?
Maya and Carina: yea , only on paper, we can still call you Logan , and Oliver !
Oliver and Logan : yea we'd prefer that, thank you, and momma, you still have us boys with Italian names , we've been used to be called Logan and Oliver, but we can try to go by Fredericko and Dominico ...
Carina: I will let this decision be up to you, we know it's going to be an adjustment for everyone with the name changes but I will obviously love to call you by Fredericko and Dominico as those are Italian names ! And I'm Italian and all of our boys have Italian first names !
Dominico: we understand, I mean we can definitely give it a try, right Fredericko,
Fredericko: siiii. !
Maya: well that's nice to give it a try
Carina: yea momma is really really happy about that.

Rose : well I just want to say thank youuu
Mommy and momma for being open into looking for me and getting reunited with my sister and brothers , I missed them so much in different homes , now we can sleep peacefully knowing that we are always going to be your kids forever .
Carina: awnnn picolina, we are happy to have you reunited together, and now my puzzle is finally COMPLETE , I think you four were the missing pieces of our family puzzle.
Maya: yea, and I love that everyone is getting along with each other so well, it warms my heart..
** one celebratory breakfast later, everyone came back home and played with each other in the huge backyard, with a swing set, slides and a sand box ... Maya and Carina were both feeding the twin boys before putting them down for their nap, londyn will also be going down for a nap soon! Maya locked the doors of the house. **

11h20 am

Rose : I want to colour, is there any coloring books?
Chloe: yea there's everything art related in here, and I will colour with you.
Rose : Awnn yayyy , thank you Chloe.
Chloe: you are welcome Rose.
Carina: babe I think we should talk to the children about their chores and what we expect from them, as there's now twelve children !
Maya: yea I think it's a good idea, kids , can you all come here in the main island area please!
The kids: yea what's up moms!
Maya: well, we just want to have a fun conversation with you all, as you know we are now a literal full house, and we love each and every one of you!
Carina: yea and I know that getting you four lovely beautiful wild yet kind  blessings into our family forever was the right thing to do,
Maya: yea, I know see what vision momma had when it regards our family, and now we can fully say that we are officially complete!
Carina : yea, I'm glad you were able to see my puzzle vision of our family, like you beautiful children whether you are adopted or not we love each and single one of you, I feel like I gave birth to each of you, that's how much you all fit into this family,
Maya: yea , I know that feeling ...
Carina: yea.... Now that we are more people in the family, we will have to set chores for everyone in order to be able to fonction in the house.
Maya: yes , it won't be too much of chores, just like clean up after yourself, put your shoes away in the entrance closet and hang your clothes or jackets correctly and make your bed in the morning, and if you older kids see That the dishwasher needs to be emptied, please take five minutes out of your day to help us , and help us set the table.
Carina: yea , and that's it ,
The kids: well we can definitely work with those rules ,
Carina: okay that's good!

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