Chapter 7: Drop Love Not Bombs Pt. 1 "Wait What Happened?"

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One week. Just one week and that cursed day would be over and done with. Valentines day was this Saturday and it is my least favorite day of the year. It always kind of disgusted me seeng couples be all lovey dovey and spoil eachother with things they don't need. The only time I'm ok with it is when it's my friends or team, like JJ, Hotch and Roxy. (Welp.... I might have just spoiled it.)

My father had left for his cabin so I was left home alone. I switched on the tv out of boredom and stumbled upon some news. "Local police force continue to investigate the bombings over the past few days. Local PD believes it's a common criminal but no reports of identification." Said the news person. 'Bombings? How come the FBI hasn't been brought in yet?' I thought to my self. The phone began to ring, "Who's calling?" I asked my self. I got up and answered it, "Gideon's residence, Jessika speaking," I said. The line was silent but the a low scraggly voice broke the silence, "Zugzwang..." It said. It was silent again, "Behind you," it spoke before hanging up. I turned around just before an explosion from the shed sent me into the wall covered in glass. With little strength left, I reached for my phone and dialed a random number, "Yeah Jessika?" They answered once they picked up. I barely recognized it as Morgan's, "H-Help...." I muttered before losing consciousness.

~Morgan P.O.V.~

This week is exciting. I couldn't wait to surprise my baby girl with the best gifts ever. I was at the store looking around until I heard my phone going off. I pulled out my phone and saw Jessika's picture. I flipped open my phone, "Yeah Jessika?" I answered. I heard heavy breathing and groaning, "H-Help..." She said, my eyes widened, "Jessika?! Jessika can you hear me?!" I called into the phone. I heard sirens racing past the store and when I turned to look they were heading towards Jessika's house, "Oh no...." I mumbled before I dropped everything in my basket and went racing towards her house.

As fast as I could I arrived at Jessika's house almost out of breath. In front of her house were three police cars, Two fire trucks and an ambulance. I walked towards the police tape, "Hey man you can't cross this tape," said an officer. I got my wallet out and flashed my badge, "FBI SSA Derek Morgan. The victim in that house is a friend of mine," I said. He nodded and let me through. I surveyed the outside before heading in. Everything was everywhere, there was broken glass and small fires being extinguished. I walked to the back and found medical personel treating a girl with long brown hair. Jessika. I pulled out my phone and dialed Hotch's number. The phone rang twice before he finally answered, "Hotch, Jessika is hurt. A bomb went off somewhere and she's hurt," I said, "What? Where is she?" He asked, "Her and Jason's house," I said. I heard talking in the background, "Alright. I'll be there momentarily. Stay with Gideon no matter what. I'll contact the rest of the team," he said, "Got it," I said then hung up. I turned back to Jessika who was being placed on a stretcher. I followed the medics out to the ambulance, "Is it alright if I join her to the hospital?" I asked. The medic nodded. I climbed in and sat on the bench. The medics began driving to the hospital. I kept my eyes on Jessika as the ambulance raced down the streets.

~Reid P.O.V.~

My day is surprisingly boring. I had no special plans for this Saturday so I planned on just staying home and reading as usual. I just sat down with my really sweet coffee when my cell began going off. I picked it up from the side table and saw it was Hotch, 'But it's our week off,' I thought. I opened my phone, "Hey Hotch what's up?" I answered, "Reid I need you to meet me and the team at Westlend Hospital," he said, "Why? What's going on?" I asked. He was silent before answering, "Jess is hurt," he said. My whole body froze, 'Jessika is hurt?!' I thought, "Reid? Are you there?" Asked Hotch, "I'll be there in ten minutes," I said then hung up. I quickly slipped on my shoes grabbed my keys and left. I don't know what's gotten into me but for some reason whenever something with Jess came up I just feel different.

Once I arrived at the hospital I asked where she was, "She is in room 311," the receptionist said. I thanked her and went to the room. When I got there, I was greeted by the rest of the team sitting around someone laying in a bed. I walked over and saw Jess covered with cuts, bandages, and tubes. It pained me to see her in this state, "How is she?" I asked catching Rossi's attention, "A bomb went off in her backyard but there seems to be no severe damage," he said. I walked over and sat in between Rossi and Morgan. She had her eyes closed but she looked peaceful somehow. The door opened and a nurse came in, "I'm sorry but we must ask for y'all to leave. There are a few more procedures we must go through," she said. I didn't want to leave but I knew not even Hotch could convince her to let us stay. We left the room and headed outside, "Who would want to do this to Jessika?" Asked Garcia, "Who ever it is has a thing against Jessika, Gideon and us," I said. My mind went back to the time in Las Vegas when we found out that someone put Ketamine in her water and that the Unsub Lisa Ordeal knew something about it.
We got out into the parking lot, "We need to catch whoever did this. If they started with Jessika they are surly out for the rest of us," said Morgan, "Let's go back to the office and see if there are anymore reporting a of these bombings," ordered Hotch. We all nodded and got in our separate cars. Morgan rode with me since he ran from the store to her house then rode in the ambulance here. I clutched the stearling wheel tightly, "Don't worry pretty boy. We will find who did this and get them," he said, "I know..." I said. 'Don't worry Jess. We will find this person and make them pay for what they did,' I thought as I followed JJ.

AG: alright so that is enough for this part I think. These seems shorter than some of the other chapters but I know you guys loves these anyway. Since it is finally summer vacation, now that my body has finally realized it, I should be able to write more often and have more content in my other works for you all. Anyway be sure to leave a like, comment, vote and follow for more stuff and yeah. Bye!

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