Chapter One: The First Unsub and The First Mistake

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I awoke from my slumber and stretched. I remembered yesterday about my meeting with the rest of the team and the process of being able to become a permanent BAU special agent. I walked downstairs, "Dad! Do you need me to co-" I enter the kitchen to see my father at the kitchen table with food already made, "Beat you to it. Remember Jessika we might have a case so if you need help I'm there," he said. I rolled my eyes as I joined him at the table, "Yeah I know. This will be my first case so I'm kind of worried I might screw up," I said taking a bite of my toast. He chuckled, "Don't be worried. If you stay worried then you will screw up. Don't let it cloud your mind," he said motioning to his head. I chuckled and we continued to eat, "Hey dad," I said, "What's up?" He asked, "Do you think it's ok to keep our family relation a secret with the BAU?" I questioned. He looked at me, "I've seen Aaron profile someone and I can already tell there is no way a profiler can hide secrets from another profiler," I said. He smiled, "You're learning. You're right but I know that we don't share any qualities that the team can assume of me being your father," he said. I sighed, "I'm not winning this am I?" I said. He shook his head and I laughed.

When we arrived at the BAU office area we were immediately confronted by Morgan, "What's with you two?" He asked, "What do you mean?" I questioned, "Even before you joined the team you two always enter the building at the same time," he said, "Jason is my ride," I said. Morgan gave us a funny look, "You knew him before you joined the team?" He questioned, "Morgan stop profiling me. I know how it works and I don't appreciate you using it on me," I said walking past him to my "new desk" even though I still have my office a floor below. I set my bag down and looked to my left to see Reid reading but it almost seemed like he was just quickly skimming through, "Are you skimming through the book or are you actually reading it?" I asked him, "Well I can read up to 20,000 words per minute and I also have an Id-" he stopped talking when he turned to face me, "Y-yeah. I'm actually reading the book," he said. I chuckled and sat down, "You two seem to be friends already," said JJ as she came in, "Not really. Just some small talk," he said, "I am so not used to this. I'm used to gathering cases for this and Gren's team but not being on one," I said. JJ looked over at me, "You used to gather cases for us?" She questioned. I nodded, "Yeah. Strauss assigned me to this team and Agent Gren's team to gather cases for you guys to take on," I said, "That's neat. But I'm guessing you didn't get to leave often did you?" She said. I shook my head, "Not really. I'm excited to join and travel the states," I said. JJ smiled, "That's good to hear," she said and went to her desk across from me. I began to arrange the stuff on my desk, "OCD?" Asked Morgan, "No. Just a force of habit," I said. I finished arranging my desk when Hotch walked by, "Everyone in the conference room now," he said. We all got up and followed him.

I followed behind JJ into the conference room. Garcia was already set up for the briefing. I sat closer towards the door and beside JJ and Prentiss, "When you're ready Garcia," said Hotch, "Right. There has been a string of murders over in Las Vegas. Prostitutes mainly but killed in a strange way," she said. She clicked her button and five images showed up of dead women. I cringed slightly but didn't show it, "Looks like all of them were strangled," comment Morgan, "What's the CoD?" Asked Prentiss, "Blood loss," I said. Everyone looked at me, "See the cuts on their arms, legs and stomach? Those are very deep and judging by the bruise marks on their wrists they were tied down and cut several times. The strangulation was done post mordum," I said, "Alright. When we get there I want Morgan and JJ to go meet up with Las Vegas PD and get more information about these attacks, Prentiss I want you to speak to the families about their children's actions, Jessika and Reid you guys visit the recent crime scene, try to find something that connects the murders, me and Gideon will go to the morgue. Wheels up in 30," said Hotch as he stood up and left. I stood up and left to grab my bag, "How did you know that was the cause of death?" Asked Prentiss. I shrugged, "I didn't think that the cuts were done post mordum. There is no way the Unsub would do that post mordum," I said. I grabbed my messenger bag and slung it onto my shoulder, "I swear this thing I gonna break soon," I mumbled to myself, "What?" Asked Reid, "Huh? Oh I think my bag strap is gonna break soon," I said. He gave an 'oh' face and grabbed his bag. I followed him to the private jet, "I've always wanted to ride in one of these," I said amazed. I sat down across from Reid, "So what do you have a PhD in?" I asked him, "Oh actually I have three," he replied. My jaw nearly dropped, "Three? Are you like wicked smart?!" I questioned, "Well I do have a IQ of 187, and eidetic memory," he said. Morgan got on the plane, "Yeah he's wicked smart," he commented. I chuckled. The rest of the team boarded and we were headed to Vegas. I sat crisscross in my seat as I looked through the files, "All victims seem to be in their early thirties, run aways, and prostitutes," said JJ, "They also work in the same areas. Either in clubs, alley ways or hotels where they lead them," I said. The the video screen picked up, "What do you got for us baby girl?" Asked Morgan, "Besides the fact that this guy is freaky and insane turns out that the first three victims worked together mainly in a sleazy hotel that only prostitutes and their 'clients' went. I am sending you guys the coordinates," she said before hanging up. I looked at my fathers tablet, "This is certainly a place for prostitutes," said JJ.

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