Prologue: Getting on the Team

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I sat my office looking over case files. I was in charge of choosing cases for Aaron Hotchner's team and one other team. It was sort of difficult but after about an hour or so I got some that they might be able to solve. I heard a knock on my door, "Come in," I said writing down case notes for a tech analyst, "Have you got three cases for Hotchner and Gren's team?" Asked my supervisor Erin Strauss. I finished the notes and stuck them in the files, "Yes ma'am. I also wrote notes for the tech analysts to give in the briefings," I said handing her the files. She smiled lightly and took them, "Good work. When I return I will need to have a word with you Miss Gideon," she said, "Yes ma'am," I said as she left. I leaned back, 'I wonder what she needs to talk about.... Maybe it's about promoting me to an agent for the BAU....' I thought. I shrugged and return to my work to keep my mind off of that subject.

I had been requesting to join the BAU and talking to Strauss about it. She said there are no gaurentees and I understood that. I know how hard it is to do their job but I just wanted to prove to not only my dad but Strauss as well that I can handle stuff like that. As I was putting file away I heard another knock on the door. I turned to see Strauss in the door way, "A word in my office," she said. I placed the remaining files on my desk and followed her to her office upstairs. As we walked through the building I saw a few briefings taking place. We entered Strauss' office and I shut the door, "Go ahead and take a seat," she said sitting at her desk. I nodded and sat in front of her desk, "Now, don't think this is a for sure yes but I have thought it over an talked with Hotchner and we have agreed to let you on his team but you will be on probation," she said. I nodded hiding my excitement, "You will be known as junior agent Gideon until your probation is over. After that you will return to your normal schedule while me and Hotch talk about how you did. Am I understood?" She said, "Yes ma'am I understand," I said. We shook hands, "You will be working with their Tech Analyst today and you will be formally introduced to everyone when they return from the case," she said standing. We walked out of her office to see Hotchner's team leaving. I watched as my father walked off talking to the team, "Let's go. They leave soon and you need to be with the tech analyst," she said. I followed her to a computer lab with loads of monitors, "Garcia," said Strauss. A woman with blonde hair and glasses turned around, "Unit Chief Strauss!" She exclaimed surprised, "I have a junior agent joining the team but she will be working with you until the team gets back," she said, "Yes ma'am," answered Garcia. Strauss nodded and left me with the woman, "Hi I'm Penelope Garcia," she said standing up and stretching out her hand, "I'm Jessika Gideon but everyone calls me Jess," I said shaking her hand. She smiled, "So, when did you join the BAU?" She asked sitting back at her computer, "A few years ago but I work a floor below and gather cases for Hotch and Gren's team," I answered siting beside her, "That's pretty cool," she said. I smiled, 'I like this woman,' I thought. Just then her phone rang. She turned around, "Come here you're apart of this too," she said. I pulled up a chair beside her as she answered the video call, "Hey Baby Girl," said a African American man, "Hello Muscle boy," she replied, "So what we have found out that connects the victims are the fact that they all are females, aged between mid twenties to early thirties, short black hair and blue eyes," said a girl with black hair, "That's not all," said Garcia, "Turns out that all the victims have one person in common. Chris Gladston," I added. All of them turned to look at us even my father who hid a small smile, "Garcia who is that with you?" Asked a girl with blonde hair, "Oh this is Jessika she will joining our team as a junior agent," said Garcia, "Well welcome aboard Jessika," said my father. I smiled, "Thanks. Anyway back to the case all three women had one person in common," I said, "Chris Gladston," said a man with longish brown hair, "Exactly. Chris owns a bar on the east side of town out of the comfort zone of the kidnap and dump sites, no criminal record and he happens to be a former cop," said Garcia, "But how does he know out victims?" Asked my father, "He drove them home when they were too drunk. He didn't try anything he just drove them home, dropped them off and went back to his bar," I said, "I'm sending you guys his information now," said Garcia, "Thanks Garcia," said the blonde, "No problem Blonde Beauty," she said then ended the call, "Is there where you are all day?" I asked , "Yup. That's why they call me the Tech Analyst," she said. I nodded, 'I hope I can fit in as well as she does,' I thought.

~Time Skip~ (Sorry school distracted me and also writers block xP)

I had just walked into the BAU building when I spotted one of the members of Hotch's team. I ran to catch up, "Hey you're with Aaron Hotchner's team right?" I questioned as I caught up to a man with longish brown hair and the most beautiful brown eyes. His eyes widened when he saw me, "Y-yeah. You were with Garcia when he called her at first," he said. I nodded. We both got into the elevator, "I'm Jessika by the way. Jessika Gideon," I said, "I'm Dr. Spencer Reid," he replied, "So how long have you been in the BAU?" I asked him, "Since I was 22," he answered, "What?! Are you serious?" I asked. He nodded, "What about you?" He asked, "Oh uh I joined when I was 23," I said, "Nice. Most people don't join the BAU until they're like 26 or 28," he commented. I smiled, 'He's kind,' I thought. The elevator dinged and we both got off. He opened the glass doors for me, "Thank you," I said and walked in as he said you're welcome. I followed him to where the rest of the team was. There was a woman with black hair, a woman with blond hair, an African American, Hotch, Garcia, and my father who smiled when he saw me. Reid cleared his throat, "Oh right! Gang this is our new member Jessika. Jessika these are agents, Jennifer Jareau or JJ for short, Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss, and Jason Gideon," said Garcia, "It's very nice to meet you guys," I said as I shook their hands, "It'll be a pleasure having a new face on this team," said Morgan, "Oh I'm not on the team permanently, only for a few cases," I said. Emily looked at me, "Why's that?" She asked, "I've been trying to get onto a BAU team since I got into the FBI but Strauss told me that it wasn't going to be easy to get onto a team. Even Agent Gren's team," I said. I saw Reid's face soften when I spoke of her, "Well either way it's great to have you on board," said my father. I smiled, 'I'm finally on a team,' I thought. I hope I do well.

A/N: Hei everyone sorry it took so long to post the prologue. School has started and I've been super busy. I hope you like the prologue and I will hopefully have the next chapter up soon.

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