Chapter Four: Seeing Things?

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It's been a few weeks and several cases later. I have been getting used to the environment of the BAU floor and the constant traveling. I walked through the glass doors to find all of the team near Reid's desk, "How could he do this?" Asked Morgan, "Did he really just leave this and nothing else?" Questioned Prentiss. I walked up to them, "Hey guys what's going on?" I asked. They all turned to me. JJ, Garcia, and Prentiss had tears in their eyes, Reid and Morgan looked in pain and Hotch looked troubled. I looked and studied each face to figure out what was going on but they clearly don't want me to know. Hotch cleared his throat, "Um Agent Gideon has left us. He quit leaving his badge, his gun, and a note at his private cabin," he said. To be honest it didn't phase me. I know how heartless that sounds but my father told me that he was leaving the BAU because he couldn't take the environment he was working in. My father has PTSD and on top of that he has this stressful job to deal with. I couldn't blame him at all. I took the note from Reid's desk and read it. Garcia began tearing up again, "I knew father would do this," I said. All heads snapped my way, "What?" Questioned Morgan, "What? I thought you guys knew that Jason was my father," I said. Hotch stepped up, "We did not know this. Why didn't either of you tell us this?" He asked, "Oh! I'm sorry for saying this but I didn't know it took more than a group of professional profilers and a tech analyst to figure out that me and Jason are father and daughter!" I exclaimed. This pained me. Tears pricked at my eyes, "If this is how it's going to be all because I didn't say anything.... Then why did I even bother trying so hard to get on this team?" I said lowering my head. I turned to leave only to have my arm grabbed by Morgan, "Leave me alone!!" I screamed jerking my arm away from him and stormed off.
~Hotch P.O.V.~
Jessika didn't seemed phased when she read the letter from Gideon, "I knew my father would do this," she said. We all looked at her, "What?" Questioned Morgan, "What? I thought you guys knew that Jason was my father," she said. I stepped up, "We did not know this. Why didn't either of you tell us this?" I asked her, "Oh! I'm sorry for saying this but I didn't know it took more than a group of professional profilers and a tech analyst to figure out that me and Jason are father and daughter!" She exclaimed. This surprised me. She looked pained, "If this is how it's going to be all because I didn't say anything.... Then why did I even bother trying this hard to get on this team?" She said lowering her head and leaving. Morgan caught up and grabbed her arm, "Leave me alone!!" She screamed jerking his hand away as she stormed off.
The girls sighed, "Great not only have we lost a great profiler but we also lost someone who had dedicated her life to help us and join our team," said Garcia. Morgan sighed, "What the hell are we gonna do now? We are down two team members," he said, "She was never apart of the team. She was just another junior agent with no real reason to be on a team," I said sternly walking back towards my office, "You're wrong!" A voice yelled. I stopped and turned to see Reid standing and furious, "Jessika worked hard to get on this team and you know it! If it wasn't for her we wouldn't have solved so many cases in shorter time! She's done so much to help out with this team she deserves a spot!" He exclaimed. This surprised all of us. But Reid was right. She did work hard and se has done a lot to help us.
~Jess P.O.V.~
After I had left the BAU floor I began walking back to my office. Tears pricked at my eyes but didn't fall. Before I walked in the janitor just walked out and I nearly bumped into his cart, "Oh I'm sorry," I said, "It's alright I nearly bump into everyone," he said. I nodded and he walked off. I entered my office and sat down, "Daym. If I knew that was going to happen I wouldn't have asked so much," I sighed. I took out a bottle of water and emptied it into a cup. I took a sip and sighed leaning back in my chair, 'I wonder if I should tell dad what happened,' I thought. I shook my head and continued to drink my water. At first it had a weird taste to it but it was probably because I hadn't drank water since our last case. I finished off the drink and got up, "Maybe a walk will clear my mind," I said. I locked my office door and proceeded to go outside.
I was about to leave the main building until, "Jessika!" Yelled someone. I turned around and saw Reid running up to me. I just frowned, "What is it Reid?" I questioned. He finally caught up, "I was going to see if you wanted some company on your walk," he said after catching his breath. I raised my eyebrow, 'How did he know I was gonna go for a walk?' I thought, "I-I only knew cause you're a lot like Gideon. When he got mad he would leave for a walk and come back about an hour or so later," he said. Ok this guy is getting a bit freaky, "Um ok. I guess you could join," I said opening the door. Reid followed, "I'm sorry about how we acted when you said that you and Gideon were father and daughter. We honestly didn't know," he apologized, "I'm surprised it didn't make y'all even think about the fact that me and my father have the same last name. Cause no way is there just a coincidence that we have the same last name," I said. We continued to walk in silence and I saw someone across the street who looked like an Unsub at we just put in jail, "Um Reid? Thomas Yats is in prison right?" I asked stopping in my tracks, "Yeah why," he said. I pointed, "The why do I see him at that stop light staring at me?" I asked. Reid looked where at was pointing, "I don't see him," he said, "He's at the light and he's wearing a black shirt, blue jeans, and a denim jacket. How do you not see him?" I said. Reid looked at me, "He's not there Jessika," he said. I turned to him, "Yes he is!" I exclaimed. I turned back but he was gone. I blinked several times but he still wasn't there, "Jessika let's head back to Hotch and the others. We actually have something to tell you," he said. I sighed, "Fine. But I'm not lying when I said he was over there," I said. Reid put a hand on my shoulder, "It's alright Jessika. He's not there," he said and he lead me back to the BAU.
When we walked through the glass doors the team was standing near my temporary desk, "What is it that you need to tell me?" I questioned. Hotch stepped up, "I wanted to apologize for our actions earlier. It was unprofessional and we didn't mean to sound rude about it," he said. He held out a key, "What's this?" I asked taking, "They key to your new office," said a voice. I looked where my fathers office was and there stood Strauss by the door that had Jessika Gideon written instead of Jason Gideon. My mouth nearly dropped, "Welcome to the team Special Agent Jessika Gideon," said Morgan as he handed me a BAU badge. I took the badge, "Go on. Check out your new office," said Hotch. I finally moved my legs and walked up to Strauss, "You did excellent Gideon. It takes strength to stand up to enemies but it takes courage to stand up against the ones closest to you," she said. I smiled, a tear running down my cheek, "Walter Night," I said wiping away the tear. I unlocked the door and found everything from my office in the exact same place as it was in my old office. More tears streamed down my face as I walked over to the desk which held all of my pictures I hid in the desk cabinet of me and my father. They were sitting on the desk some facing the chair and some facing the door. I walked around and sat in the chair. I turned it so I was facing the window. The light was bright but it was nice to see. I looked out and saw someone who I thought was dead. It was Carl Newman. He was sentenced death row for several murders and the death of a few officers. He was looking right at me from the parking lot. I closed my eyes and opened them back up. He was gone. I rubbed my eyes, 'Maybe I'm just tired,' I thought. I turned back to the door and nearly screamed but I could t find my voice. Carl was right in front of my desk. I felt the color leave my face as he stood there staring at me with a wicked smile. I closed my eyes and turned my head, "He's not truly here. He's dead," I kept telling myself, "Jessika," said a voice. I open my eyes and see Hotch at my door, "Yes?" I questioned, "Are you alright? You were mumbling about someone being dead," he said, "O-oh. I thought I saw something but then I remembered that he was dead." I said. It wasn't a lie but it kinda was. He nodded and left. I sighed and leaned back in my chair, 'Maybe if I get some rest I would feel better,' I thought, "Jess, we got a case," said someone. I groaned lowly and stood up, "Alright let's go," I said and followed Prentiss to the conference room. Here we go again. Hopefully I can concentrate and not let the team down.

A/N: Hei everyone! I'm sorry if this chapter seemed short. I got writers block and I didn't really know how to end it. I hope you guys enjoy and feel free to give suggestions on what to do next or how long this thing with Jess seeing things should go on.

Jess: I do not like this.

Roxy: Daym it writer you're fahking terrible!

Me: shut it Rox or I'm cutting you from the story. Anyway like and comment what you think I'll try to post the next chapter so if school allows it. Bye!

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