Chapter Two: Intorducing Roxy!

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A/N: Hei guys just wanted to say hi real quick before I start this chapter. I am now introducing Jess' best friend Roxy and I will make sure to ask her questions later. So enjoy the chapter!!

It was the day after we came back from Las Vegas. I had reapplied bandages before changing into black slacks, a simple red blouse, and cute boots. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen but my father was no where to be seen. I went to his room and saw him still asleep. I chuckled quietly and went back into the kitchen, 'My turn,' I thought. I began cooking some pancakes, bacon, eggs, and toast. It's a simple breakfast but the smell of bacon and pancakes always wakes him up. I made the table and poured some coffee for father and apple juice for me. Minutes later he finally trudged out of his room, "Morning dad," I said hugging him, "Morning sunshine. I see you beat me this time," he said kissing my temple, "Yup. I made a simple breakfast and gave you coffee cause I know we have files to go through," I said sitting down. He sat in front of me, "Yup. We have a week off so if you want you can go down to your office had work," he said. I smiled, "I just might do that," I said. We both chuckled and ate our breakfast.

Dad decided that since I got up first that I get to drive which wasn't that bad. I have a license just not a car yet. I pulled into his parking spot and turned the car off, "Good job," he said, "Thanks," I said. We both got our stuff and entered the main building, "I'm gonna walk ahead. I have to speak to Hotch," he said, "Alright. I'll see you later," I said. He waved and walked ahead. I stopped at the coffee kiosk and got me a coffee then headed to the elevator. Before the doors closed, Reid managed to slide in, "Morning Jessika," he said, "Morning boy genius," I said with a chuckle, "Really?! I meet you for a week and you're already giving me a nickname?" He questioned. I laughed, "Yeah. I'm blaming Garcia though. She does it all the time with the team and I think some of her nickname skills rubbed off on me," I said. He chuckled. The elevator doors opened on my floor, "I'll catch ya later Reid," I said leaving for my office.

Surprisingly my desk wasn't crowded with folders but I did have a few. I sat down, turned my radio to a classic rock station and began working. While working working I occasionally got a visit from JJ, Prentiss and Morgan just so they could see my office. At least they were nice enough not to mess with anything. I continued to work when I noticed a familiar messenger bag at the door, "Hey Reid," I said before he had the chance to knock. He walked in, "How's it going?" He asked, "Slow. The others in this department don't know how to do their job sometimes. It's not a lot but for them they always come to me," I said flipping a page. I heard noises outside and it was bugging me, "Reid could you close the door please," I said. He got up and closed the door, "Hey guys Sydny Skulls here. I'm calling it a day but stay tuned for Russ and the guys in a few minutes. Here's I'll Be There For You by Bon Jovi. I'll see y'all tomorrow," said my radio as the song began playing. I turned it up a bit, "Do you listen to music Reid?" I asked him, "Not really," he answered. I continued to look through the file. Suddenly my door swung open, "Hey hey hey! I'm here to get the latest scoop from ya girly!" Exclaimed someone. I noticed Reid jumped at the sudden entrance, "No scoop today chicka. Only paperwork," I said, "Aw! Daym it I was so close!" she said. I sighed, "Roxy keep it down. You know I can't work with loud noises," I said, "Oh right sorry," she said closing my door. I continued to look at the file, "So what's the latest news with The Rox?" I asked, "You want the juicy details or the more serious ones?" She questioned, "Serious. We can discuss juicy at lunch," I answered, "Otay! So first up is Joan Rivers recently passed," she said, "Dang.... I loved Joan," I said. She just chuckled, "Next, the book by David Rossi just sold over 4 million copies," she said, "Good writer. He'd make a good Agent as well," I commented, "And finally one of the schools in the northern part of Virginia is closin it's doors for a few weeks due to a severe gas leak. Supposedly it was cause in the kitchen by accident but they will not have further insights until the school is cleared," she finished. I closed the file and opened another one, "Anything else?" I asked, "Nope," she began walking around my room, "Gina has been limiting my 'gossip' to others. She says if they want news then they need to read the paper," she said. I chuckled, "Over my dead body," I said. Roxy leaned onto my desk, "So when are you going to introduce me to your friend over there?" She asked. I looked up, "Oh sorry. Reid this is my best friend Roxy. Roxy this is Dr. Spencer Reid," I said goin back to my file, "Doctor? What do you have a PhD in?" She questioned, "Actually I have three," she answered, "Three? Are you like a genius it something?!" She said. Reid just shrugged, "Well I also have a an Eidetic memory and can read over 20,000 words per minute," he said. I stayed looking at the file, "Yeah. He's a genius," I said. Roxy sat beside Reid, "So when will you get off your butt so we can get On The Boarder?" She asked me, "Five more minutes," I said not removing my eyes from the file.

[Roxy: Oi! Put the daym file down so we can eat I'm starving!

Me: Roxy stfu! She's doin her job!

Roxy: Ummm did I ask you? Leave me alone stalking inner!

Me: ~puts duct tape over Roxy's mouth~ I said shut it

Roxy: ~mumbled words that sound like fahk you~

Me: shush!]

Roxy groaned. I sighed, "Alright. Fine lets go eat," I said closing the file and turning off the radio, "Yay!!!!!" She exclaimed getting up. I grabbed my wallet and keys, "Would you like to join us Reid?" I asked, "Sure. I wouldn't mind," he said standing up. We left my office and headed to On The Boarder in Roxy's car. Roxy turned on her radio to some random station, "So Spencer how old are you?" She asked, "28," he answered. Roxy looked in her mirror, "Really?! I thought you were Jess' age," she said, "Roxy!!!" I exclaimed. Roxy laughed as we pulled into the parking lot, "Alright let's eat!" She said gettin out. Me and Reid followed her inside, "Hello. How many?" The waiter asked, "Three," she answered, "Right this way," he said as he grabbed some menus. We followed him to a booth and arranged the menus, "I will be back shortly to get y'all's drinks," he said, "Thank you," I said as he left. I sat beside Reid while Roxy sat across from us, "Alright spill the juicy news before I squeeze it out of you," I said, "Haha! Alright. Well first off Kim Kardashian do it yet again and dumped her 'fiancé' so now she is trying to hook up with someone who thinks he can put up with her drama," she laughed, "Seriously?! That's was like her fifteenth boyfriend! She needs to pick and stick already," I said. Our drinks arrived and the waiter took our order, "Next Leonardo Decaprio is remaking another film," she said, "He needs to change his acting range or he will never get an Oscar until he is dead," I commented, "Thank you! And finally Jessie got fired," she said with a big smile, "Really?! It's about time! He can't work correctly without being nearly drunk and high," I said, "Exactly! I've been complaining to Gina for months to get him fired and she kept saying no and I'm over here like what the fahk!? He's drunk off his ass he needs to be fired!" She said being dramatic like always. I laughed, "I'm just glad I don't have to look at the paper and see a bunch of screwed up news," I said.

Our food came and we began eating. Reid just had some tacos, Roxy ate her usual half chicken half beef quesadilla, and I had chicken fajitas. Roxy continued to talk about her work and I told her the whole story of me getting stabbed while in Vegas. Reid stayed quiet every so often saying small things. Roxy paid the bill and we left, "Thanks for lunch Roxy," I said, "No prob. Now you owe lunch," she said. I laughed as we got into her car and drove back to the office. The ride was quiet except for Roxy's phone constantly going off, "I swear Gina needs to get off my butt sometimes," she said stopping in the parking lot, "I'll see you again soon Rox," I said, "Later girly!" She said, me and Reid got out of the car and she drove off, "Interesting friend you got there," he said, "Yeah. She's awesome," I said. We walked inside and I went back to my office. I just wish I could see her more.


Hei everyone! I hope this was worth the wait but I'm still sorry for making y'all wait so long and sorry if it sucks a bit. The next section is just talking to Roxy so it won't take that long to write. I hope to see yall later! Bye everyone!

Roxy: ~munching on leftovers~

Me: gawd dang it Roxy!

Roxy: don't judge ya daym stalking inner!

Me: ~rolls eyes~ whatever bye everyone!

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