Chapter Eleven: Stay

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AG: Hei guys. So looks like we just found out Reid's little secret. And off course if it wasn't anymore obvious with Hotch and Roxy. So yeah. Also this is the longest story I have ever posted and I'm not sure yet whether or not I want to possibly make a sequel to this book or something not sure yet. Leave a comment on what y'all think I should do. So uh yeah enjoy this next chapter!

~Jess P.O.V.~

I can't see anything. My eyes are covered, my hands and feet bound, and I've been lying in the same spot for several hours. The last thing I remember was receiving an unknown message, leaving for the bathroom and getting bashed in the head and blacking out. I heard voices but they were very distorted. Like they weren't human, 'I thought the Ketamine effects finally wore off?' I thought to myself. I heard a door open and close, "Finally. At long last I can have some one on one girl talk," said a female voice. I kept still. "Who are you? And what do you want with me?" I said. I just heard laughter, "You don't get it do you Jess. Nine years we spent being friends. Nine years I protected you from danger. Nine years! I took care of you when your father wasn't around and what do you do? You ditch me for your nerd friends!" She yelled. I stayed silent, "You just don't get it," she said before ripping off the cloth that was covering my eyes. My eyes adjusted to the light which gave me a huge headache. When my sight cleared, Lisa Ordeal was standing right in front of me, "What the hell do you want from me?" I asked.
She smirked, "I want you dead. Your little team has until sunset to find you. In which in three hours from now. You'll be lying dead in your own blood," she said getting close to my face, "And they will soon learn that you aren't so innocent when they see the video later," she said standing back up. She left to the door but stopped and looked over her shoulder, "Enjoy the voices in your head," she said. Then left. I managed to sit up and look at my surroundings. I was in a huge room that was nothing but white. The only thing in the room was the bed I sat on, the door and an intercom in the upper corner, "They're not going to get to you in time," said someone. I turned to my left and Carl Newman, "It's useless. You're useless," said someone else. To my right was Thomas Yates, "Go away!" I yelled. They both shook their heads, "No way. Time for you to suffer our fate," said Thomas. I screamed and threw the pillow at him. He disappeared along with Carl. I gripped my head and screamed again. This was driving me insane.

~Reid P.O.V.~

Hotch sped off from the FBI building quickly. My blood boiled in hopes that we can save Jess in time and we can end Lisa Ordeal, "Green Way is just up ahead," said Prentiss. The sun was setting and we were running out of time quickly, "There! There's the warehouse," I said pointing to a building just down the street. We stopped in front of it and got out. "Prentiss get the back, I got the side, Reid the front," ordered Hotch. We drew our guns and went our ways. I opened the door and it squeaked real loud, 'Ok. Cliche much?' I thought to my self. I looked around and pointed my gun where I heard a sound, "Jess?!" I called out. Nothing. I ventured deeper into the warehouse. Hotch met up with me and we continued searching, "Prentiss find anything yet?" He asked through his ear piece, "No. This place is so huge it's hard to find her," she said, "Let's keep lo-" there was a shriek in the distance that stopped Hotch. We nodded and each other and went the direction of the scream.
The screaming only lasted a few moments before it stopped. The three of us met up and continued to search for Jess. Up ahead, I could faintly see two figures standing by an open door. One figure held a gun in one hand and the other person in their other, "FBI drop your weapon," ordered Prentiss. The figure didn't do anything, "So. This is the famous Spencer Reid, Aaron Hotchner and Emily Prentiss. Funny. I was expecting someone else," they said. A female... "Lisa Ordeal. You were hoping for Jason Gideon. Weren't you?" Said Hotch. There was chuckling, "Indeed I was. I wanted him to see me take the life of his daughter. I wanted to ruin his life just like he did to my dad." She said. I could faintly hear sobbing, "Please... Make the voices stop...." Said Jess. I was slowly getting closer. Lisa held the gun to Jess' head and I froze, "One more step and you can say goodbye to your special agent," she said. I tightened my grip on my gun, "Lisa let's talk about this," said Emily, "There is nothing to talk about. This was her fate and mine," she said. She began to tighten her finger on the trigger, "No!!" Screamed Emily. Me and Hotch pulled out triggers and shot Lisa in the chest. Easily missing Jess. Jess and Lisa fell to the ground. Me and Emily ran to Jess to make sure she was ok and Hotch went to check on Lisa. I checked for a pulse and sighed with relief, "She's still alive but she is unconscious," I said. Prentiss sighed and called for an ambulance. I looked over at Hotch as he closed Lisa's eyes. I sighed.

~Several hours later. Roxy P.O.V.~

I paced back and forth in Garcia's little cave, "Roxy calm down. Everything will be ok. They will find Jess and bring her back safely," said Morgan trying to calm me down, "I can't. This is my best friend we are talking about here. There wasn't one day when we weren't near each other or there for each other," I said. Just then, Garcia's phone went off, "I need words," she said after pushing a button, "We got Jess. We are taking her and Lisa to the hospital. Jess will make it but Lisa may not," I heard Prentiss say, "We are on our way," said Morgan. Garcia hung up the phone and we all left the office to the hospital.
When we got to the hospital we gave Jess' name. They told us that she was in ICU so we couldn't see her but we could join the others in the waiting room.  I spotted Prentiss and Hotch sitting in the corner while Reid was pacing back and forth. I crossed over to Hotch and hugged him, "How is she?" I asked, "They are looking at her right now. She was unconscious when we got to her and Lisa. She will make it but Lisa is gone," said Hotch. I looked at Reid and he looked the most worried, "How you doing kid?" Asked Morgan. Reid sighed heavily, "A little better knowing that we have her back," he answered. Morgan patted his back.

~30 mins later. Jess P.O.V.~

What is this feeling? Am I dead? No. I can breathe and I can hear something beeping. I heard the opening of something, "She is stable for now but she is under a lot of anesthesia," said someone, "Thank you Dr. Morris," said another voice. I couldn't open my eyes or my mouth. I felt someone grab my hand, "H-Hey Jess.. It's me Spencer. T-The team is here too and Roxy. We were so worried about you. Mainly me and Roxy... I'm just happy we found you..." the person said. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. Suddenly I heard a long beep, "Jess!! Dr. Morris!" Called out another voice. Wait what's going on?! I felt myself fading.. No! I can't go!!
"Jess! Please Jess fight it!! We need you! We need you to stay!" Yelled another voice.
That word made me fight the darkness and the beeping returned to normal, my eyes shot open, and I breathed heavily as I tried catching my breath. Who I assumed was Dr. Morris and the rest of his crew surrounded me as they checked my vitals real quick, "Jessika Gideon, my name is Dr. Morris. Do you know where you are?" He asked me, "The hospital," I answered. He shined a light in my eye, "Do you have memory of what happened before you got here?" He asked. I thought for a few moments, "I was... Kidnapped by someone who had a huge grudge against me and my father and my team came to save me and then it all goes black after that," I answered to the best of my ability. He finished his evaluation, "You're very much stable now. I will be back in about an hour to check up on you again and we should have your results about the ketamine on your system in about ten minutes. I will leave you and your team alone until then," he said as he and his team left. Roxy was the first to run and hug me, "Oh my gosh Jess I was so worried for you!!" She cried into my shoulder. I patted her back, "It's alright Roxy I'm alive now so that's all that matters," I said. The rest of the team hugged me and Spencer was the last to hug me, "I thought I lost you," he mumbled.

I didn't let go of him, "I thought I was a goner. Spencer, I have something I want to tell you," I said. He released the hug and sat on the bed, "What is it?" he asked. Before I said anything, JJ spoke up, "We will give you guys some space. We'll go get you some food," she said winking at me and smiling before forcing everyone else out of the room and closing the door behind her. I looked back at Spencer, "Spencer, I've been waiting for the right moment to tell you but there hasn't really been a time to say this but, I really like you. I have for a while now and I just really want you to know how I feel," I said my face flushing a bit. His face was flushing too, "Do you really mean that?" he asked. I nodded and leaned forward. He closed the gap and kissed me. I heard the door open and we pulled away both blushing, "We have your results," said the nurse. I held Spencer's hand.

~To be continued

AN: Yes I am very evil! But now it happened! Jess and Reid are together now!! Sorry this took so long to post I just got super busy and I will be busy again so it may be a while until the next chapter is up. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Leave a like, comment and follow for more stories and chapters!


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