Meeting Jessika Renae Gideon

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Me: Hello everyone I am ApocalypticGirl. You may know me from HutchinsonGirl4Ever's story Confessions of a Bad Nerd. If not then go check her out as well. Anyway this is one of two stories I am writing the other being Apocalyptic Love that is not yet posted except for the character. I warn you that I may screw up some parts but most of this is stuff I make up.

Roxy: Oi! Introduce Jesskia already so you can write!

Me: Alright alright! So Jess, mind telling the audience a bit about yourself?

Jess: What would I say?

Me: Well, how old are you?

Jess: I'm 26

Me: That's young. What do you look like?

Jess: I have long dark brown hair and green eyes. I'm 5ft 9, with very fair skin and a slim stature only because I don't eat much.

Me: What do you do?

Jess: I gather cases for the BAU for them to choose. I'm hoping to work for the BAU and with my father.

Me: Interesting. Do you do anything on your spare time?

Jess: Um I guess I like to draw or sing. I don't like sharing these types of things.

Me: That's ok. I understand. Do you cuss?

Jess: Only on rare occasions. Mainly if I'm pissed.

Me: Understandable. Well I'll ask more questions later. It was nice to meet you and I hope you get to work with your father.

Jess: Thank you. I will look forward to more questions.

Roxy: Lets go Jess! On the Border doesn't stay open forever!!

Jess: Alright I'm coming....

Me: I guess after a few chapters I'll introduce Roxy and ask her some quesitons. Well enjoy the story!

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