Chapter 8: Drop Love Not Bombs Pt. 2 "A Confession?"

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AG: So yeah. I think you guys might love this chapter. That is if you can figure out the hidden secret in this chapter ;) I promise it will be longer than the last part but it will be worth the wait and excitement. Enjoy!

~One week later. Reid P.O.V.~

It's been one week since the bomb went off at Jess' house and she still hasn't woken up. I visit her everyday in hopes of her being awake but she is not. I'm worried she won't wake up for a while. I packed up my messenger bag and left the office. It's been lonely with her gone and with us so set on finding the person who did this, Agent Gren and her team keep getting our cases. I felt bad, "Reid," said a female voice. I turn and see Lou Gren herself with her bag in hand, "Oh hey Lou. What's up?" I asked her, "Are you heading to the hospital to see Jessika?" She asked me. I nodded, "Mind driving me there too? I wanted to see how she was doing before leaving for my next case," she said. Her emerald eyes burned a hole through me so I couldn't say no, "Sure. Would you need me to drive you home too?" I said, "Please. I don't think Mason will be home to pick me up," she said. I nodded and we left the office to my car. I unlocked the car doors and climbed into the driver side. Lou climbed into the passenger side, "I appreciate you still talking to me Spencer. I know what happened between us was a miss but I am still glad you still talk to me even when we both work with separate teams," she said, "It's no problem. I'm just glad you stayed at the BAU and didn't go back to Phoenix," I said.
I pulled into the hospital parking lot and parked the car, "Do you think she will wake up soon?" She asked me. I turned the car off and leaned back, "It's hard to say. They said she is not in a coma it's just the medicine that they gave her that is keeping her asleep," I said and got out. Lou followed and closed her door, "I'm sure she will wake up soon," she reassured me.
We walked to Jessika's room and found her still asleep and hooked up to many wires and tubes. My heart ached to see her still asleep in this state. I could feel Lou's eyes on me as I studied Jess' features. You could still see the faint scaring of the cuts from the glass on her face and arms. I sat down and sighed, "Hey Jess I'm back and I brought Lou with me. She wanted to see how you were doing," I said. Lou went to her other side, "Hey Jess. I'm not sure if you can hear me or not but I thought I would tell you what's going on," she started. She told of how the cases were going, how her and Mason just passed their one year anniversary, and how she misses seeing her around the office. I decided to give them space and waited outside. It's been almost a year since she joined the team officially taking her fathers spot on the team. She was a great addition to the team and she always has a smile on her face. I heard footsteps but I didn't look at who it was but when the feet stopped in front of me I looked up to find her friend Roxy standing there. She looked as if she hasn't gotten much sleep but she looked determined to talk to me, "We need to talk," she said. As much as I was going to say no, she didn't give me much of a choice. I followed her to the cafeteria and we sat. 'What could be important for us to talk alone?' I thought. She sighed, "It's about Jess," she started. This can't be good.
~Hotch P.O.V.~
Having to put a hold on every case we are given is hard. We can't work on Jess' case with other cases hanging over our heads when we have to solve the case that has targeted our team member. I got up from my desk and left my office. I watched Reid and Agent Lou leave I guess to go see Jess. I closed the office door and started walking out, "Sir we have more cases," I heard Garcia say behind me, "Give them to other teams. We can not have any other cases until we figure out who it is that is targeting Jess and this team," I said continuing to leave the building. After I arrived at my car my phone buzzed. It was a text from Reid. Text: Jess is waking up tell the others and meet us at the hospital.
I forwarded the message to the others and got in my car. If Gideon is awake we might be able to see if she remembers anything from the explosion. I sped off towards the hospital.
~Jess P.O.V.~
My head hurt, my body felt heavy, and I was numb. I could tell if I was dead or not but I guess the returning of my hearing answered that question. I recognized Lou's voice instantly and wished I could open my eyes. The longer I layed there the sooner I got the feeling back in my body. While listening to Lou I began to wonder if anyone else was here. I haven't been able to hear anyone until now when I heard Lou's voice. I began to breathe on my own and movement in my hand, "Jess? Jess can you hear me? Squeeze my hand if you can hear me," I heard Lou say as she placed my hand in hers. I squeezed her hand and she gasped, "Reid Roxy! Jess is waking up," she said. Reid and Roxy are here?! I heard footsteps and I forced my eyes to open. Slowly but I was able to open them, "Jess!" Exclaimed Roxy as she came to my side. Although my vision was blurry I could recognize Reid, Roxy and Lou, "Jess can you hear me?" Asked Roxy, "I wouldn't be awake if I couldn't hear you," I slowly said but still had a small smile on my face. She smiled, "When I heard that there was an explosion I thought it would make a great story.... But when I heard it from Reid that it was you I began to freak out," she said her smile fading. I let go of Lou's hand and grabbed hers, "Roxy, even if the explosion dealt with me, I want you to write yourself a story and I will give consent and quotes," I said. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy, "Are you serious? Do you realize how much press is going to want to talk to the survivor and the FBI," said Lou, "I know. But after one press confrence I will be able to have everyone back off," I said. Just then, the rest of the team arrived, "Oh my gosh Jess!!" Exclaimed Garcia as she practically ran over and almost flopped onto my bed to hug me but gently, "We are so happy that you are ok! We've been so worried!" She said. Once she released me from the hug everyone else gave me a hug as well, "How do you feel Jess?" Asked JJ. I shrugged, "My head is still hurting and my body hurts a bit too. Other than that I'm just glad I woke up and get to see yall again," I said. They smiled. Hotch walked up and stood beside Roxy, "Jess I know you just woke up but I must ask you a few questions," he said. I nodded and sat up a bit with Reid and Morgan's help. Hotch pulled up a chair, "What exactly can you remember from the day of the explosion?" He asked. I then started my story.

AG: And I shall end the chapter there! I'm so sorry I took forever to get this chapter up I am a procrastinator and also busy with work and college starting soon. So yeah... Oh! And did anyone catch my secret? I think it's pretty obvious in the beginning a bit but oh well. I hope yall enjoy this chapter and I will have another chapter for The Group up sometime soon and yeah.
Don't forget to leave a like, comment, vote and follow for more stuff from me and yeah. Ciao!

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