Chapter Three: Sick

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A/N: So when we last left off I introduced Roxy and even asked her a few questions. So now it's time to be a bit more serious. They still don't have a case but they still have paperwork. Let's get started shall we?
~Reid P.O.V.~
It was the day after I joined Jessika and her friend Roxy for lunch and I can say I had a ton of fun. I woke up early to eat breakfast but while I was making food I felt lightheaded, warm and my body ached. I took my temperature and it said I had a fever. I coughed a bit before I picked up my cell and decided to call Gideon, "Hello?" Said a femal voice. Was that Jessika? I stayed silent, "Reid I know it's you we have caller ID," she said, "Jessika? What are you doing at Gideon's house?" I asked, "Gideon is my ride remember? Anyway what's going on?" She said, "Oh uh I don't think I can come in. I'm sick," I said. I heard mumbling in the background, "What are you symptoms?" She asked calmly, "Fever, coughing, um scratchy throat and muscle ache," I answered. She spoke to someone else, "Alright stay there. I'll be there I a few minutes and Gideon is going to call Hotch and it'll be ok for you to stay home," she said, "A-alright. Thank you," I said then hung up. I sat on the couch and coughed.
[A/N: ok I'm going to say this now so you guys don't get the wrong idea. I'm not doing the cliché girl and guy are alone together and realize they like eachother and huge make out session. That's bull crap to me. It's also WAY~ to early in the story to do that. So back to the story so y'all can see what really happens]
I laid down and coughed trying to get comfortable. A few minutes later I heard knock on the door which scared me a bit. I grabbed my gun and held it to my side as I went beside the door, "Who is it?" I called out, "It's Jess," said a voice. I looked through the peep hole and saw Jess standing by my door with a bag. I unlocked and opened the door, "Hey Jessika," I said, "Hey Reid. How you feeling?" She asked coming in, "Sick," I answered closing the door. I turned around and saw her looking at the gun in my hand, "Oh sorry," I said putting the safety on, "It's become a personal habit," I said, "It's ok," she said. She placed the bag on the small kitchen table, "I brought you some medicine to help you and I even brought a cute little get well animal," she said holding up a little black bear holding a get well sign. I smiled and took it from her, "So if you take these for the next few days you should be feeling better," she said pulling out a few common medicines. She handed me a few and I took them, "I'm going to call Hotch and tell him that I'm going to take care of you," she said. I nodded and she went out into the hall.
I sat on the couch while she spoke on the phone. I thought about reading Carrie by Stephan King again but I have ready quite a few times. Jessika came back in and put her phone away, "Ok I'm gonna go out and get some food. You want anything?" She asked, "Not hungry," I responded, "Reid please don't be like Roxy when she's sick. She doesn't want to eat which makes her worse. Please don't be the same way," she begged. I sighed after coughing, "Fine. I guess just something light is fine," I said. She grabbed her phone and her wallet, "I'll be back in a little bit then," she said then left. I sighed. I usually never get sick so I have no idea what to do. I usually read then I'm better the next day but it feels like it's going to be a few days. I got up and surveyed the bookshelfs for a book I haven't read much. Which was hard. I finaly went with The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. I haven't read this one much. I laid back down on the couch and started reading. The beginning is a bit slow but since I read fast it helps speed through it.
Minutes later, Jessika walked in with a few bags of food, "I hope you like cinnamon rolls," she smiled. I smiled as well and sat up, "That actually sounds good," I said. She began cooking the cinnamon rolls and she came into the living room, "So what do you usually do for fun or on your days off?" She asked me, "Um I usually just read and occasionally go to the book store to find new books to read," I answered. She walked around and looked at the bookshelves, "You got a lot of books. I guess being able to read 20,000 words per minute pays off," she said. I chuckled lightly, "I guess," I said with a shrug. Jessika stopped at the area where I usually put the fantasy books, "I didn't know you had the complete collecting of the Harry Potter books in hard back," she said, "It wasn't really that hard to find," I said.
The oven went off and Jessika went to the kitchen. Cinnamon filled the apartment as she took them out, "Ok I'm going to put the icing on and let them cool off for a bit," she said, "Alright," I said. I returned to my book but something kept me from reading. I glanced over at Jessika who calmly spread the icing over the rolls. She didn't seemed bothered by being here not taking care of me. Unlike Morgan who teased how bad it was. I went back to my book while she continued to ice the rolls. I didn't realize my stomach actually growled until I heard Jessika start to giggle, "What's so funny?" I asked, "Oh! Hehe I can hear your stomach grumbling from here," she answered. My cheeks warmed up as I turned back to my book. Jessika brought to plate of cinnamon rolls and placed them on the coffee table, "Eat up," she said. Surprisingly I didn't think twice and began eating.
~Hours later~
Jessika was nice enough to stay and help while I was sick. She occasionally went outside the front door to talk to one of the team members. I had just gotten out of the shower and changed for bed. It felt nice to take a shower. It always made me feel better. I grabbed a small towel and began drying my hair a bit as I walked out to the living room. To my surprise the tv was off, the kitchen and living room lights were off, and a small lamp was on facing the couch. I walked up to the couch and saw Jessika asleep on the couch with On Writting by Stephan King laying open on her stomach. I smiled and picked the book up. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked at me, "Huh? Did I fall asleep?" She asked, "Yeah you did. You should go home and get some sleep. I'll be fine by tomorrow," I said. She looked as if she didn't believe me but she nodded and got up, "I guess I'll see you at work then," she said grabbing her keys and jacket. I opened the door for her, "Good night Jessika," I said, "Good night Spencer," she said leaving. I closed the door and smiled, 'She called me by my first name,' I thought heading to my room. I guess she's finally starting to open up to us. I crawled into bed and turned of the soft glowing lamp. I layed my head onto the pillow and began to fall to sleep.
~Jessika P.O.V.~
I had just left Reid's house and heading back home. I activated the Bluetooth in the car and called my dad, "Hello?" Answered my dad, "Hey dad. I'm heading home from Reid's. Need anything before I head home?" I asked, "I don't think so. Just be safe dear," he said. I chukled, "Yes sir. See you in a few minutes," I said then hung up.
Minutes later I pulled into the driveway and got out of the car, 'Finally home,' I thought. I walked in, "Dad! I'm home!" I called out. Dad walked out of his study, "Welcome back. Reid feeling better?" He questioned, "He sounded better when I left. Hopefully we get to see him tomorrow at work," I said, "Knowing him we probably will," he laughed. I chuckled and gave him a good night hug and kiss. He went back to his study and I want up to my room. I changed into random shorts and a tank top then climbed into bed, 'Man it's been a day. At least it was slightly entertaining,' I thought. I turned off my light and fell asleep. Ready for the next day.

A/N: Hei everyone! Sorry for taking a while. School is driving me nuts and I'm currently getting over being sick. It's also been freezing where I'm at. I'm going to attempt to get the next chapter up sometime next week and I'm plaining on making a little imagines folder for side things if I ever get writers block. I already have a few written in a journal so I might start that. So be expecting a new chapter some time within the next week or so and-

Roxy: Woman would you cut the rambling and end the chapter already!!

Me: Shut up Roxy! This is my story, my thoughts and my time I'm spending to write this! So shut up and go eat your On The Border!

Jess: ~not amused~ you two are loud

Roxy: She started it! ~eats a taco~

Jess: ~sighs~ I don't care who started it I'm finishing it. Like the author just said look forward to new stuff and we'll catch you later.

Me: Roxy quit stealing my shiet!

Roxy: Then end the fahking chapter and give me more showings in the story!

Jess: ~sighs~ this is going to be a long day.... Anyway as our lovely author would say "Bye!"

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