Chapter 1

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The quilts were heavy for Skailer Lockwood, 15 year girl who just a few days before he was put into the new home. Today was the first day of the new school and had no eye, proving all night from stress. In addition she heard something strange noises in the night and watched, with her eyesalmost closed, like a strange creature to staring, but that she thought it was her imagination.

The old blue alarm clock struck, the girl jumped out of bed and turn it off knowing that she had to dress up for school. Before going into the bathroom to wash her tooth and take a bath looked at her window. Huge skyscrapers continuing and where you go to see the view that hide suddenly appeared and others. The streets were filled with people and shops just opened. Had not used this life let alone such a big house.

Walked into the bathroom and prepared. When she came out her hair was caught ponytail and had dyed minimally. The clothes she had chosen had left on a chest in the room. She had picked out a thin short sleeve black blouse with a torn blue jeans with boots.

When prepared descended the staircase of the apartment to eat breakfast. There were still covered with old furniture fabrics and boxes that did not prevent to open her and her mother, her father was no longer with them - had died in a car accident-. Just walked in the kitchen she realized that her mom had gone to work earlier, so she put in fast milk in a bowl and a few cereals. It was so nervous that she not understood even when she ate, left the bowl in the table and under the bag gone. They lived in one of the few low apartment buildings so they did not need to come down and many Stiles, four floors was building and she lingered on the first could not complain about anything, it was that the mother of a lovely house in New York, the only pot worried was the school that will be and if I find friends.

The school was not away but of the century Skailer seemed like. Konteye to arrive at school when he heard something to shout in some bushes just beyond. She ignored it and synechise to walk slowly and steadily. Just arrived before passing the gate looked at her school. It was huge and very nice, in front of posits a stone alley, in which the sides of tall pines, continuing and ending in the glass door of the school. When he passed the door been a relief after all the children looked very friendly.Surprisly all children began to greet and welcome in the new environment in addition to some. One of them was a boy with sad eyes, she was so beautiful that he could look all the time but realised that the time had come to go to the Headmistress's Office to learn what class is and most are her closet.

Skailer trouble much to find the Office of Headmistress because there were too many classrooms and hallways, all of them were fancy and opposite the halls and corridors there were - instead of walls-Windows that began from the floor and continuing up to the ceiling. The classes were equally beautiful, with large Windows and tables. After much searching she found the headmistress's Office on the other side of the school. The reception was with cloth nuggets chairs with expensive Italian furniture. Before you enter the real stood and looked at exact old wooden door, but not managed to open the catches the headmistress. She wasa smiling- blond-tall woman stylishly dressed with fine combed into hair updo.

-Sorry you want something? the headmistress asked.

-eemm, yes I am a new student and I came to know about my class and my closet, replied with her head looking down.

-Aaaah Yes, get in sat in one of the chairs and we will get back in a bit. Of responded by showing the hand made expensive chairs and walked away.

Her Office was large with old vintage wallpapers. It was tidy with many papers aside and stacked folders.

After a short time the headmistress walked into the Office and sat in her chair.

-Hi for the next three years I will be your headmistress of yours, Carmen Karey, because you are new and don't know the guys here what questions they got to come to tell me, she said with a wide smile.

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