What If You're my Weakness

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The next morning I wake up snuggled up with Julien in the small bunk bed. I nuzzle myself into the nape of her neck "Good morning, Sunshine" She says turning to plant a kiss on the top of my head. "Morning, Love" "did you sleep well?" She asks me. "Yeah. Better than I have in a while" I smile at the older girl. She smiles back and gives me another kiss before pulling the covers off of us both. I groan and try to pull the covers back over top of myself. All of a sudden the bus stops moving. "That must mean we're here" Julien says "Perfect time to get up." "I don't agree at all." I say turning to face the wall of the bus. "How can you be this awake so early in the morning?" I whine "I'm a morning person! I do this all the time" she says "how?" I groan. "It's easy! you just get out of bed" she says gently grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of bed. "fine, but give me a few minutes to get myself ready for the day" I say, giving in and standing up, walking to the mini fridge to get my ice. I grab a cube and rub it all over my face feeling it melt. "What are you doing?" Julien says as she leans against the small kitchen counter. "it helps me wake up and it makes my face less puffy in the mornings" I say "you try." I pass her an ice cube. "uhhh..." she darts her eyes from me to the ice cube. "here." I say lightly grabbing her hand, taking the ice cube and rubbing it on her face just like I had to mine. I feel her eyes on mine and I look down to meet them, as she winces from the ice. I smile at her as she flickers them down to my lips "I saw that" I say, giggling. "saw what?" she says, smiling teasingly, looking at my lips again. I feel her fingertips on my hips pulling me towards her. her hair is slightly wet from the melted ice making it so hard for me not to touch it. I look down at her lips for a second trying to make sure it's so quick that she doesn't notice. "I saw that" she says as her hands glide up my shirt onto my hips, her warm hands making me shiver and she stands up from against the counter so that we're at eye level. She leans towards me and catches my lips on hers. She holds us like that for a minute or two before letting go. I giggle and I catch her lips again. She holds my face softly as she covers my face in little kisses making my giggle. "How are you so beautiful?" she says in between kisses. "I could ask you the same thing?" I say. "Get a room!" I hear Phoebe grumble. We both burst into laughter, making Phoebe groan again. "Some of us are trying to sleep," Phoebe says. "Shut up Pheebs, you're just jealous" Julien says and I punch her arm and scoff with a smile on my face. "Phoebe is right! We're trying to sleep!" Lucy says. "Ok ok we'll stop" I say. "Jules, do you want to go for a walk or something?" I ask her as I walk over to the bed and make it quickly. "Sure." She says and I grab some clothes. "Great! Let me get some clothes on and I'll be right out" I say, stepping into the bathroom. "Okay" she says, grabbing a pair of shorts and slipping them over her boxers. I quickly do my skincare and apply sunscreen. When I come out of the bathroom Julien was sitting in a chair with a pair of cargo shorts on, a tank top and a hat on. I have a skirt and a cropped tank top with some sunglasses on. I slip on some converse and I grab my bag as we head out the door. "Do you want breakfast?" she asks and I hesitate. But slowly I nod. "Yeah. Okay!" I smile softly. "Okay! What do you want?" She asks me "We could walk around and see" I suggest "Sure" she says. We walk a bit more and then we find a small cafe that sells pastries and other various breakfast items, and we step inside. We sit at a table close to a window and Julien puts on a spare pair of sunglasses to make sure we don't get spotted by local paparazzi. We order and eat quickly "Can we get the bill?" I ask "For sure!" our waiter says and heads off to get it. I rummage in my bag for my wallet. "I've got it, Love," Julien says to me. "Are you sure?" I ask. "Yeah don't worry about it!" she says smiling "ok but I'm paying next time" I smile
a/n: short one but the next one is really heavy. sorry for being so late to update!!

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