I Won't Forget the Feeling

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"What do you want to do today?" Julien asks me. "funnily enough I know nothing about Tennessee so I guess you should be asking yourself that question" I respond. "Okay well do you want to go out or stay in?" she asks, chuckling "You could show me around" I suggest "Absolutely, love!" She says "Also I was wondering if you wanted to come back home with me when I head back? No pressure of course" I say "Oh yeah definitely!" she smiles. the rest of the week goes by pretty fast and soon enough we're both packed up and ready to fly back home to LA. "I haven't been home in just under a year." I say to Julien, slightly chuckling as we get in the taxi. "Oh shit yeah!" She says. "It's gonna be nice, to be back home... with you and Phoebe nearby" I say "I'm just glad I've been making enough money to make all these stops on a plane" I say, laughing. "Yeah I get what you mean." She says. When we finally get back to my house after a whole day of travelling, I stand at my door. "I feel like this is revolutionary." I say, not taking my eyes off if the door. I pull out my keys and stick them in the door and turn it to unlock the door. "Surprise!" I hear as Phoebe, Conan and Lucy all stood in my living room. "Welcome home!" Conan says "Don't worry all of your Cats are alive." Conan says, hugging me. I let out a sigh. "Thank you for looking out for them for so long." I say, pulling away to hug Phoebe and Lucy. "Hey Chels" She whispers. "Hi Pheebs" I say, softly. I go to hug Lucy. "I'm gonna go shower guys but I'll be out in a sec." I say. I hop into the shower and within 10 minutes I'm out. I come out in my towel. "Thank you guys for doing this for me! It's really so sweet." I say. They all turn to me as my eyes meet Juliens and her eyes darken slightly. "Yeah no problem" Lucy says as Conan looks back and forth between me and Julien. "Chelsea can I ask you something?" Julien says "Yeah sure I'm just about to get dressed." I say. She follows me into my room. I shut my door and pull on an oversized tee and some boxers that I got from Tate McRae (My new friend). "Wow You just majorly c*ck blocked me." She jokes "Well you didn't ask for what you wanted" I say, slyly smirking. "please pretty please can I make love to you?" She jokes. "Hm... how about no." I say, walking out of my room. "What the fuck?" She whines, following me into the kitchen. "There are people here, Julien," I say. "So what's the conversation piece here?" I ask "Oh we were talking about what movie you might want to watch" Lucy says "I said Twilight" Both Phoebe and Conan call out "I said the Lord of the Rings." Lucy says "Well as much as I love both of those options, and I really do love them, I think I have to go with Twilight. There is nothing that beats Twilight" I say
"So... are we gonna sit?" I say. Everyone sits down and we all start watching the movie. I lie in Juliens lap and everyone else cuddles up together and soon enough the movie is over and I look up to see Julien fast asleep on the couch. I get up gently "Phoebe and Lucy can go in the spare and me and Cone will go in my room" I whisper and peer over at Julien "I say we leave Jules here to get some rest"

a/n: heyy. act two has started! i'm so excited for everything i have planned for this act!! i've been writing ahead and i'm so excited to share!! get some snacks cause your in for a treat!

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