You Live in Hollywood

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"Baby, I'll be okay." I say to Julien as she turns around in the hallway. "I'm cancelling my flight." she says "No. It's okay you need to get home to Beans and your life." I say "I promise I'll be okay. I'll see you soon okay." I reassure her. "Okay but if you change your mind I'll fly right over okay?" She says "Yes. I promise. Call me when you land and I'll make sure to check in with you every night to let you know I'm okay. I don't want you to worry" I say. "I'll always worry." She says softly. I peck her lips "Bye baby. I love you" I whisper against her lips. She whines. "I love you too," She sighs and turns back to leave. I watch her as she walks further and further away. Eventually, I go back into my apartment after standing there for a minute or two. I sit down on my couch to watch "Gilmore Girls".  As the sun goes down I make myself dinner and a tea. I sit down at my computer and reply to emails as I eat and then after I finish I go for a walk. I pass a billboard with the boys on it and I smile. I head home and hop in my car calling Conan and heading over to his house. We do face masks and eat snacks, watching movie after movie until eventually Conan falls asleep. I turn off the movie and take a picture of him posting it on my Instagram story and falling asleep across from him.

I wake up to my phone buzzing. I pick it up to see radvxz has requested to message you on my phone. I open it up and see that she messaged me. "hey. i heard that we're related" the message read. I sat there for a moment thinking of how to respond. "hey. i have also heard this wonderful news! honestly i've always wanted a sister just never thought it would be a fellow Taylor opener 😅" I say. "yeah me either 😅" she says "well i'm glad that you're glad and i'm glad too :)" she says "of course how could i possibly be upset that i finally have a family member i am actually happy around! hahaha" I tell her "yeah. i heard that our dad was an asshole. haha" she says "yeah he is. anyway i was wondering if you wanted yo meet up for a cup of coffee or something?" I text her. "oh yeah! sure!" She replies "great when are you next in ?" I ask. "i think i'm going for an interview in one or two weeks." She tells me. "cool. well let me know and we can figure it out:)"

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