You'd Tell Me On The Phone

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TW: mentions of sexual activity and slight suggestion of sexual assault.
My phone rings as I take my last bite of food. "Sorry baby I have to take this. It's Phoebe." I say getting up and grabbing my phone. I walk into her spare room and pick up the call. "Hey. What's up?" I say "Yo... I didn't think you'd answer. Thoughts y'all would be busy. I never thought of Chelsea as the type to finish fast" I can hear the smirk in her voice as my cheeks heat up "Uhh no we just finished" I respond "I figured." she laughs "You figured what?" I ask "That she doesn't finish fast" She says "I mean she was still eating when I left so..." I reply, with a question dangling in my voice. "Wait, you left mid-sex?" she asks "What? No. She wasn't done with her dinner" I quickly respond "Have you guys not fucked yet? You've been home for almost an hour" She says "We haven't. I'm trying not to pressure her into anything because I know how her last partner treated her." "Julien that was like three years ago" She says she laughs at me. I sigh. "Anyway... why'd you call?" I change the subject. "I was bored and we wanted to see if you guys wanted to come over here and stay for the night." She asks "Oh uhh lemme ask... Babe?" I call out, walking out of the room seeing Chelsea down the hallway "Hi baby." She says "Hi. Phoebe is wondering if we want to stay over at her house tonight." I tell her "Oh sure" she responds sleepily. She had gotten into her pjs already. "Lemme just go pack up a bag." she says running into her room. "Ok Pheebs we'll see you soon" I say "K see ya" I hang up. I walk to her room and knock on her door. "Come in" she says softly. I open the door and walk towards her, hugging her from behind placing little kisses on her neck. She giggles. I hold her. "I love you" I tell her "I love every part of you." I tell her tracing hands along her hips and place another kiss on her neck. "I love you too"

When we get to Phoebe's house it's a little after 8 pm. I grab her and my stuff out of the back of the car and head up to the door of her place. "Hey guys! Come in" Phoebe says. She has an oversized shirt on and some pj pants, and a green face mask on "We have a movie set up and some snacks. Also some face masks." She says shoveling popcorn in her mouth. We walk in and put our bags down. "Hey Luce" I say. "Hey JB" she says. Chelsea walks over and sits down on the couch next to Lucy and lies down in Lucy's lap. "I think I just stole your girl JB" Lucy laughs. "It's not so easy for me to get bitches so would you be so kind as to give her back?" I plead "Oh please every person on this planet is in love with you" Chelsea says giggling. " That... might be true" I sigh, smiling. I change into my pj's and go over to sit on the couch, Chelsea immediately turns and puts her head in my lap and I smile again at her as she slowly falls asleep.
a/n: hi!! sorry i didn't update last week! i hope you enjoyed this chapter! please take care of yourselves over the break. i know that sometimes family is hard but you can get through it :) love you all and thank you for over 5 thousand reads!!

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