I Hope We've Got a Lot In Common

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warning: there is a brief mental breakdown and  alcohol consumption

Tonight I'm going to Kylie Jenner's party. I was going as Dorothy. I have my puffy white dress on with my gingham blue plaid dress over top with a pair of white tights. I had my hair in two braids tied with red ribbon and I had ruby red ballet slippers on. I had a soft makeup look on with cherry lips and rosy cheeks. When I finished getting ready I heard my phone buzz signaling that Billie was outside. I knew she was with our friend Zoe who was also going to the boygenius show. I walk out to the car and hop in. "Hey Bil! Hey Zoe!" I say. "Hey babe!" Billie says, leaning over the console and kissing my cheek. I buckle into the seat and we drive off. "I love your costume" She says "Oh my god thanks!" I say "I love both of your costumes too." I say. They both smile. "So how have you been?" Zoe asks. "I've actually been good! I miss the boys a little but I'm so excited to go see their show with you!" I say and catch Billie's eyes looking at me in the rear view "Yeah me too!" She smiles. We catch up in the car and when we get there we get let in. I get myself a drink and talk to many people at the party including Kylie herself. I drink with people I don't know well til I'm a little drunk before going into the bathroom. I sit on the floor of the bathroom. Billie comes in and slowly sits beside me. There's an awkward silence. "How are you really doing?" She asks me. I break down in her arms "I hate it. I've been in my house alone for a month. I miss my friends. I hate my body. I have never liked my body. I was taught that in order to be pretty you had to be paper thin and I can't do it. I have tried everything to lose weight and nothing works. I'm not happy. I was so happy." I sob "It's okay. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere" She says, hugging tight. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to vent to you like that." I say, wiping my tears away. "It's okay. This is what friends are for. I love you" She says "I love you too Billie" I breathe "Thank you for being here."

a/n: heyyy babes! here's the next chapter! i hope you like it!

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