I've Never Felt This Close To Someone

393 11 3

Warning: Mentions of Sexuality

I haven't seen Julien in a while. I've been on tour with Taylor for so long and I miss Julien. Don't get me wrong I love Taylor but I miss the air to my gasping lungs. Today I'm going to Tennessee so I can see Julien. I miss her lips on mine and her silky smooth skin against my body, my hips. I get off of the plane and grab my bags before walking over to the door of the building. The Way I Loved You by Taylor Swift starts playing and a few people walk past me. When they pass I see her. It was like slow motion. I drop my things and run towards her. She catches me in her arms and spins me around. I giggle as she puts me down. She peppers my face in kisses before I lean my forehead against hers. "I missed you so much" I say to her "I miss you too. Like a lot!" she says. My slightly shorter frame stood next to her and noticed how much taller she was all of a sudden. "you... grew?" I asked her. "I'm wearing tall shoes." She says pointing to her feet. She was wearing dress shoes that had a slight platform. "Oh so you wanted to be taller than me instead of the same height?" I tease her. "I mean I think I'm taller regardless..." She says "That is not true. I'm 5 feet and so are you. If anything, I'm the taller one." I say, grabbing my bags that were on the floor. I take her in fully. She's wearing black dress pants, dress shoes and a black button up with only half of the buttons actually in use "Why are you so dressed up anyways?" I ask as we walk out of the building "Well I wanted to take you somewhere if that's alright with you." She says "Julien look at me I'm in a sweater and jeans." She grabs one of my bags and in her other hand she holds mine. "What about under the sweater?" She says with a smirk "Oh well not much. I'm wearing a tank top and that's about it." I say in a serious tone. "So like your titties were out on the plane?" She asks, stopping and pulling me with her "No that's only for your future eyes" I say laughing, pulling her down by her tie to eye level. "Can I kiss you?" she says "yeah. you can-" she cuts me off by putting her lips on mine. I wrap my arms behind her neck. "We should go." I say against her lips. Her eyebrows raise in shock. "you were gonna take me somewhere" "right" she says and I giggle. We walk over to the car and she opens the door for me. "Thank you." I say and I giggle again. She shuts the door and walks over to the other side, getting into the driver's seat. She puts on a playlist and starts to drive. I softly hold one of her hands and trace her tattoos. She smiles softly at me. We soon arrive at a park. We grab a basket and a blanket, setting up a picnic and lighting a few candles before snacking lightly on a smorgasbord of food that Julien put together. When the sun is all the way down we put away the food and stare up at the stars while cuddling into each other. We talked for hours, until the park was empty, and then we drove home. 

The next morning I wake up to Julien's musky yet sweet smell. "Morning sleepy head" she says, stretching "You're so pretty when you sleep." I smile "You watch me sleep? How... creepy." I giggle. "It's not creepy It's loving." She says, lightly shoving me. "Um... yes, it is creepy you creep" I laugh "Maybe I am a creep. Are you gonna dump me?" she says pouting. "No I'm gonna kiss you" I say, pressing my lips to hers. It quickly becomes heated and I climb on top of her to deepen it even more. Soon she flips us over and starts to kiss down my neck. "Julien!" I say "What! You're just so pretty!" She exclaims. I laugh and then she kisses me again. I whimper as my hands curl up in a little ball by my chest. "If you want me to stop at any point just tell me." She says. I nod. She kisses me again, kissing down my neck and leaving love bites along my skin. I smile but get cut off when she gets to my pulse point. I groan and I try to cover my mouth but her hands keep mine tucked into my chest so instead I blush deeply. "Do you want breakfast?" she asks. I laugh "You're asking this now?" "I mean... No?" She says, kissing me again "You're so beautiful," she says. We stay there like that for a while, cuddling and talking and kissing before all of a sudden I hear my stomach growl. "So..." I breathe "about that breakfast..."

a/n: i hope you guys like this chapter. i feel like i've been kid of distant recently and i'm sorry if you've noticed it too. i've been super caught up with school and it's been taking over my life entirely. i will try to be more present for this book :) this also concludes the first part of this book!! i hope you enjoyed it and the next part will be uploaded in the next week. also i no longer update on tuesdays i just try to update at some point in the week. byeee! i love you all <333 mwah

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