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one - bad first impressions

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one - bad first impressions

elle was good at her job, great actually. it was probably because she always felt she had something to prove. she was literally handed her job. she was handed a lot of things after simon masrani decided adopting a teenager would make him seem more likeable. he was rich and after having nothing for so long elle was taking full advantage. he had taken her in for the wrong reasons after all.

popularity was the main reason. but elle had had worst foster parents, so she wouldn't complain. he was absent but he gave her everything she could need and more.

when she mentioned over one of the several phone calls she had to have with mr masrani (her case worker required it) that she was bored on the island and wished she could be up close with the dinosaurs, he told her she could work with them then.

so, he gave her a job working with only herbivores. her case worker may have dragged her back to the us if he did anything more. the agreement was that she kept up her grades and she could work on weekends and after her homework was finished. considering she was home-schooled, it wasn't hard to finish her homework early. 

but because the job was a way of mr masrani keeping elle quiet and keeping her entertained, she worked as hard as she could to forget that she was in fact a nepo-baby. of course, she would admit that. she got the job because of her dad. no point in denying it. but god, she was going to prove that the foot in the door may have got her the job but she was the reason she could keep it. 

or so she hoped. 

so, she woke up with the sun during the holidays and made the bike ride to the triceratops enclosure. she fed them, washed them if she needed and made sure they were well looked after before any of the trainers got there. she even poop-a-scooped. which was always disgusting and never got any better. 

that was why she was awake when she received a phone call from claire dearing, her technical boss. claire never really acted like it. people called her high-strung but in all honesty she was just fucking good at her job. 

"you've reached elle, please leave a message, or don't," elle answered. 

claire sighed on the other end, "hi elle."

"hey, claire, how's my favourite boss? what you up to?" she asked as she locked the enclosure behind her.

"wondering why you're up so early," claire responded. 

"oh, i was just feeding the triceratops," elle told. "you know, my job? i swapped shifts with kat, it's her kids birthday or something."

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