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eight - flirting fails part two

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eight - flirting fails part two

their clothes quickly dried only to become drenched with sweat as they trekked through the humid forest. elle sniffed her underarms, flinching slightly. she grabbed the emergency deodrant from her back, quickly using some, hoping she wouldn't have to smell herself as much.

she grabbed one of the bottles of water as well. she offered it to gray first.

he gulped down a few mouthfuls before handing it back. she held it out for zach.

he did the same.

elle quickly caught sight of something, and it seemed gray did as well as he sped up towards it, picking up a metal helmet. there was a large tear in it and it was covered in blood. she grabbed it from him, letting zach take it from her. he placed an arm out in front of them as they spotted a sparking car. 

"stay here."

instead, gray grabbed his hand with both of his own and followed him. 

"no way am i staying back on my own," elle mumbled, grabbing onto zach's hoodie.

he glanced back at her.

"what? i may not like you but i'm scared."

he rolled his eyes but didn't make a move to push her off. 

truth be told, the whole almost dying thing helped them to hate each other a little less. there was a mutual respect of sorts between them as they recognised the effort it took to keep themselves alive. plus, he'd been altogether less horrible to gray since. 

elle stopped mid step, "wait."

both boys froze.

"i recognise this place," she recalled, spinning around in her spot. she took off running ahead of them, halting in her tracks as she spotted a familiar building. "the original park."

"elle, you can't just run off like that," zach scolded. "there's-"

he cut himself off as he followed her eyes, spotting what she had.

"if i were gonna hide from an unknown carnivorous dinosaur, i'd do it inside," she pointed out. 

she moved forward, pushing open the doors. 

she grabbed her backpack, pulling out one of her emergency torches. 

"why do you have a flashlight?" zach sought.

elle flicked it on, shining it in his face, "it pays to be paranoid, zachary."

he flinched, pushing the flashlight out of his face, "gimme that."

she tried to grab it back but he was faster and stronger than she was. 

she spun around as she circled the place, taking in the overgrown forest that had made its way inside through the skylight.

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