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ten - dead dad club

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ten - dead dad club

they got inside the park and exited the vehicle. they were probably safer in the car but they couldn't get anywhere as people were running around.

"stick close together okay," elle ordered, holding out her hand for gray to take (which he did).

zach held his hand out to her. she sent him a pointed look but he only shrugged. with a sigh, and an eye roll, she grabbed his hand and they began through the crowd, trying to get to claire or inside somewhere where there weren't dinosaurs.

elle ducked, yanking the brothers down with her as one swooped too low. the pair stopped where they were, taking in the scene around them.

"uh-uh, we don't stop, it makes us easier targets," elle yelled over the screaming. she grabbed both brothers, making her way towards a building. she yanked gray back as one swooped towards him. "we stick to walls, it's harder to grab us that way."

they stopped where they were when they saw someone get dropped in the mossasaurus tank. they were grabbed once more and then again, before the mossasaurus dove out of the water and grabbed her and one of the dinosaurs.

they continued running, trying to find a building not made of mostly glass when they heard their names being called.

"do you hear that?" elle called. "it's claire." she pushed harder, dragging the two boys behind her. she heard a crash, glancing behind to see a pterodactly plummeting to the floor and travelling towards them quickly. she dived forward, the boys following behind her as it crashed into everything and everyone behind them.

they crawled backwards, the beak coming towards them. it was slowing but not quickly enough. zach held his arms out in front of elle and gray before the thing stopped.

elle let out a breath, kicking the beak as hard as she could to the side so they could get out from between it and a wall.

she held her hand out for zach to take, which he did, stumbling slightly. she pushed him up, knowing if he fell she would too.

"um, thanks," zach spoke, rubbing the back of his neck.

"i mean you're the one that drove us out of the woods and fixed the car, i should be thanking you," she told.

"i could think of at least one way you could thank me," he flirted.

elle scoffed, blushing slightly at the thought, "piss off."

"yeah, can you stop flirting with her and can we go find aunt claire?" gray pleaded.

they didn't have to go far as they saw claire, gun in hand, shooting a pteranodon that was on top of a man that elle instantly recognised. it was owen. owen who was in charge of the velociraptors, who she thought was funny, even if he did kind of stink, who had shown her how he trained the dinosaurs and was extremely patient with her.

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