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fifteen - new beginnings

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fifteen - new beginnings

elle was settled. owen had chosen a house in the same town as claire and her sister. his choice. elle went along. the schools were good and he wanted to be near claire. it meant elle got to be only half an hour way from zach, which wasn't the worst for her. 

she ended up at the same high school as him as well, but she made sure she made friends outside of him. most people hadn't realised they were dating until a few weeks in. it was when he gave her a quick peck on the lips between classes when he had caught her by her locker that one of their friends realised and subsequently spread it to the entire school. 

"hey girlie," cara, one of the few friends elle had made when joining, greeted. "you coming to practice later?"

in settling in, elle had joined the hockey team, turns out all the times she'd been bored and hit paper around the hotel room with a stick, had made her a pretty decent player. 

"course. i remembered the mouth guard this time," elle told, waving her kit bag. "and shin guards."

cara smiled, "can't have them knocking those perfect teeth out."

"i know, i spent way too much on them," she quipped stopping by her locker. she shoved her kit in, grabbing her textbooks. "can we go over history tomorrow? i'm gonna flunk if i don't study and soon."

"you'd crash and burn without me," cara spoke. "i've got a schedule. we can use that."

"control freak."


"only for you."


"okay, so i've got after school detention," zach announced, sitting across from elle, tray slamming onto the table.

"what did you do?"

"i was on my phone."

elle rolled her eyes, "you get in trouble for the stupidest things. but it's fine, i've got practice so i can still drive you home."


cara glanced between them, "you're the most tolerable teenage couple ever."

elle frowned, "sorry, let me just stick my tongue down his throat between classes."

cara rolled her eyes, "are you incapable of sincerity?"

"foster care beat it out of me," she quipped.

"dang it, stop pulling that card! i can't compete!"

elle snorted, only for their conversation to be cut short by a blonde girl.

"hey zach," she greeted. "who's this?"

"elle, i think we have ap calculus together," elle greeted. she recognised her immediately. she was zach's ex. and she hoped to god she wasn't going to make anything weird.

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