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two - aren't you rich?

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two - aren't you rich?

zach was a complainer. that was a very quick thing that elle learnt. he complained about every tiny thing his brother did. he needed to slow down. he needed to stop talking. he needed to calm down. he needed to listen to him. he wasn't getting paid to look after him. 

it was driving elle nuts.

if he threw one more complaint or insult gray's way she may have to throw her fist into his face. 

then he did. and elle decided violence probably wasn't the best course of action. he had grabbed gray by the collar and pulled him back. so, elle hit his hand away.

she had finally had enough, "jesus, i'm getting paid to look after him so he can do whatever he likes. gray, don't run too far, okay, and if you can't see us, stay where you are and i'll find you. yell polo if you hear me say marco, okay?"


gray was off again, running in front of them in the general direction of the hotel. she'd given him the name so he could at least follow the signs and not be stuck with his brother.

"you're not his brother, i am."

elle scoffed, "of course i'm not. i identify as a woman for one, so i'd be his sister if i was related to him." she sent him a sarcastic smile. "you're on an island filled with no longer extinct animals. have some fun. it might make you tolerable."

"oh, because you're such a fucking delight."

"i am actually."

elle flipped him off, walking ahead. she did not have the energy to argue with him. he was already getting on her last nerve. 

"marco," elle yelled. 

"polo," gray yelled back from his spot in front of the hotel. 

"hello marco," elle quipped. 

gray laughed, "took you long enough polo."

"i was walking with your brother and he is incredibly slow," elle explained. "i think he bumped into almost everyone since he can't stop texting."

"he's missing his girlfriend," gray mocked as zach finally reached them.

elle chuckled, "separation anxiety?"

she didn't wait for a reply, guiding them into the hotel as quickly as she could so she could get them checked in and settled. 

once they were she showed them to their rooms. they were only a few doors down from her, on one of the quieter halls. it was definitely claire's doing. she had no doubt. 

what she was starting to doubt was claire saying her being a tour guide to the brothers was for one day only. 

"here you are," she announced, standing in front of their door. "keycards. i am three doors down at three-oh-eight." she then handed them another envelope. "and here are your wristbands. knock when you're ready gray or when jack starts to get on your nerves."

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