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thirteen - outrunning rexy

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thirteen - outrunning rexy

the group arrived at the innovation centre, where the labs were. elle jumped out of the van, the brothers following close behind. they all followed owen into the building and towards the control room. 

they slowed to a stop when they heard glass smashing. the lab was empty. 

"they evacuated the lab," claire whispered. she lead them into the empty rooms. 

elle flinched seeing the bones and strange animals they'd been extracting DNA from. they all jumped when a door opened and two men began collecting what looked like the last of what they planned to take. 

"what are you doing?" claire asked. 

hoskins stepped out from wherever he'd been lingering, "i'm afraid that's above your pay grade, honey."

"where's henry?" she tried. 

"dr wu, he works for us," hoskins informed. 

elle was watching the screen, causing gray to turn his attention to what she was staring at. he stepped out from behind her, "that's not a real dinosaur."

"no, it ain't, kid," hoskins told as he reached the group. "but somebody's gotta make sure that this company has a future and it sure as hell ain't gonna be some snotty, dumb blonde, smart-mouthed teenager."

elle raised an eyebrow, "see, now you're just contradicting yourself you dumb fuck."

"such a vile mouth for such a pretty girl," he mocked. 

"and you're ugly as shit."

he smiled, "proving my point. now, imagine, that one," he nodded towards the computer screen. "a fraction of the size, deadly, intelligent, able to hide from the most advanced military technology. a living weapon unlike anything we've ever seen. you see? millions of years of evolution... what did we learn?"

"nature always wins?" elle finished. she jumped back when a growl sounded. one of the raptors had made it's way into the lab. 

they backed up slowly, the raptor only eyeing hoskins. he backed away from her, holding his arm out like he's seen owen do before. 

"easy, easy boy. easy," he spoke, backing up into a glass door. "hey, we're on the same side, right?" 

the others kept backing away, trying to get as close to the door as possible.

 "i'm on your side," hoskins tried... and failed. delta bit down on his arm, causing him to scream out. elle pushed gray in front of her so he saw as little as possible as they began running out of the lab.

"i didn't mean to manifest that," elle yelled as they ran. "i mean it was a cool line but my bad."

delta crashed through the glass, causing them to slide to a halt and change direction. they were going back outside. 

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