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seven - it's a beautiful day to save lives

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seven - it's a beautiful day to save lives

i told you so was a phrase elle loved. but not at this time. they were off-road and gray was rambling while she couldn't stop focusing on the sinking feeling in her stomach. something was wrong. she just knew it.

"no. no. bad idea, bad idea," gray stressed. 

"great idea."

"no! we're gonna get arrested. they'll shave our heads, and we're going to have to make root beer in the toilet," he ranted. 

elle's head whipped around, "what the hell have you been watching?" elle then turned to zach once more. "but he's right. this is a bad idea. it's a restricted area for a reason."

"there," zach said, gesturing to the ankylosaurus in front of them. "you see? i told you. you're welcome. up close and personal with four... dinosauruses."

"dinosaurs," elle corrected. "and she's an ankylosaurus. they all are." she turned to zach. "we shouldn't be here."

"and there's five dinosaurs," gray added. 

"what?" elle asked, recounting the ones in front of her. she froze when she caught sight of the reflection. "zach," she whispered. "drive."

"aren't you supposed to be a genius or something? look-" he began to count, ignoring elle. he hadn't registered the terror in her voice but gray had. he had frozen beside her, knowing that whatever it was, if it had scared elle, it should scare him too. 

she never took her eyes off of the reflection, moving her hand slowly to zach's. she placed her hand on top of his, making him look at her.

"five," she whispered, using her other hand to point to the reflection. "please drive."

the dinosaur began moving to its full height, each of them turning to look at what was behind them. elle couldn't place it. she didn't have time to figure out what it was as it roared. 

"drive," elle yelled, pushing zach's hand forward with her own. the dinosaur's claw caught the gyropshere, sending them spinning around into the ankylosaurs. they were being whipped around like a pinball. 

gray screamed from his seat next to elle. 

"hold it together man," zach yelled, letting gray grasp his hands across elle. 

they were safe for a second as the new dinosaur's attention was preoccupied with one of the ankylosaurs. zach pushed the control forward, hoping to get out from the middle of the confrontation, only for the tail of the ankylosaur to go straight into them, sending them into a tree and ending with them hanging upside down. 

elle closed her eyes. she knew there was no getting upright and therefore no getting out of there. the things weren't designed for this kind of situation. it was a major flaw but people never learnt. history was repeating itself in front of their eyes and the creators of the new park were too cocky to put something in place to keep guests completely safe. 

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