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six - flirting fails part one 

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six - flirting fails part one 

apparently zach hadn't learnt his lesson. at all. instead, while they were lining up for the gyrospheres, zach decided to stare at two girls ahead of them in the line. 

elle had to admit, they were really pretty but she had no clue what he was expecting to happen by just staring at them. it was kind of creepy. it was like he'd gotten all of his tips from a shitty comedy show written by a man in like the 1990s.

gray was telling the pair all about how the dinosaur dna was preserved in amber as he hung off the barriers.

"shut up," zach ordered.

elle frowned, hitting him in the chest, "don't be a dick."

"you shouldn't say-"

elle clamped a hand down on gray's mouth, "if you know i shouldn't say it then don't repeat it."

gray nodded. she removed her hand.

"don't swear then," gray retorted.

elle shrugged, "it's in my dna. i can't help it. plus, your brother is such a dick."

gray laughed as she whispered that to him, nodding in agreement. she gasped, giggling along with the boy. gray then turned his attention back to the eldest of the group. 

"what do you think's going to happen from you just staring at them?" gray asked, loudly. 

the group of girls laughed as they were ushered forward and into a gyrosphere.

"thanks, man."

"you're welcome."

"he's not wrong," elle spoke up. "if i was them and you were staring, i'd be creeped out, not flattered. you need to get with the times. women don't want to be approached and flirted with by some stranger at all times. stop thinking you're entitled to their attention and time just because you're a boy."

zach glared at her, "right, because you know so much about all girls."

"yes. i am a girl and i'm friends with girls and girls talk and are harassed from like the age of ten."

"i mean, you're not exactly like-"

"i'm gonna stop you there. if you say i'm not like other girls i will slam your head into the gyrosphere until either it breaks or the glass does," elle seethed before stepping forward, gray beside her.

she let him climb into the gyrosphere first, she followed into the middle seat and zach was the last in.

elle went to grab the control, only for zach to do the same. 

"i got it," she told. 

zach pushed her hand away, "no, let me."

"but it's in front of me."

"i don't care."


"shush, just sit back and relax," he spoke.

she glared at him but when he pushed her hand off the control stick a second time, she gave up, folding her arms and trying to ignore the fact that he had his arm casually draped along her leg. 

jimmy fallon did his usual safety talk, where he got hit with dilophosaurus venom and smashed up the set.

"where are they?" gray exclaimed. 

only seconds later they began travelling through a field of herbivores. 

"there's your favourite, gray," elle pointed, seeing a diplodocus walking around. 

it was short lived as their screen popped up with a warning, saying the ride was closed due to technical difficulties. 

elle frowned. there was nothing reported on her employee app.

zach looked at gray, who he could see was extremely disappointed. sure, he had been an ass to him earlier, but he had to make up for it somehow.

"c'mon, no, we can stay out a couple more minutes," zach dismissed. 

"but they said it was closed," gray reminded. 

zach looked at elle for some help but she said nothing, only shrugging, "aunt claire gave us special wristbands, right? we're vip, dude."

elle felt zach nudge her, "my app doesn't say anything and it works everywhere. five minutes, okay and we stay on the field and we be sensible."

zach didn't listen to a word she said as he sped up, the dinosaurs around them speeding up too.

"son of a-" she muttered.

elle's phone began to ring. it was claire.

"hey, claire, how you doing?" she greeted.

claire's voice began coming through, each word being interrupted by a static sound. 

"we're in the gyrosphere," elle told. "i can't hear you."

her phone cut off, hanging up on claire.

"weird," elle whispered, staring at the screen. "we should get back."

"no. look, off-road," zach disagreed.

elle's eyes widened as she saw one of the gates was wide open.

"no. bad idea. that gate isn't meant to be open. somethings gone wrong so we should definitely be going-"

zach placed a hand over her mouth. she opened her mouth slightly, biting his hand as best she could.

"ow, what the fuck?" he exclaimed.

"don't ever do that again, jack."

"if elle thinks we should go back..." gray began.

"i'm just worried you're not getting the full jurassic world experience," zach reasoned. 

elle tried to pry his hand off the control to no avail, "i will show you the raptors, just take us back."


"don't shush me!"

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